Saturday 30 July 2011

Bump n grind

I've been looking at pics of me when I was pregnant with the twins. The bump was about the same sticking out-ness as my current bump but was considerably wider. This isn't surprising as the babies lay side by side for the entire second half of the pregnancy. I knew this due to the lovely 4 weekly scans which I would love to have this time. My time is up for having a 3D scan as I would have had to have had it this weekend.

This baby is apparently in the textbook cephalic position (head down, bum up) but I have my doubts as previously mentioned. Baby is up and down anyway as my bump is definitely raised in the middle. Although she does seem to be slightly over to my left side, even though her heartbeat is nearly always on the right. She must have her head down right and her bum off to the left. I have distinctly bruised ribs, her kicks are vicious sometimes and right now she seems to have a foot or similar locked underneath my ribcage. Ouchie!

O and I had a happy time shining his torch at the bump this evening and watching baby squirm. I trust this isn't unpleasant for her as it is presumably a red glow rather than a bright light, and it was recommended by a pregnancy guide.

Dissertation progresses! 1500 words added tonight, all heading done and time allocation completed. I know what to write and have a time plan to write it in. Due date is 15th, which really means 12th as we're away that day, and I need to get it bound. So next Wed, the 10th, is my deadline and I hope to be finished writing by this Wed. Fingers crossed it isn't too sore to sit!

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