Wednesday 11 May 2011


Well, yesterday I saw the midwife and... nothing. Blood pressure is fine. Urine is clear. Heartbeat is present and would probably be very reassuring and exciting if I didn't have my own monitor. You know, the doppler that isn't a doppler.

Wrigglesome baby was nashing about all over the place when the midwife was trying to find the heartbeat. I was saying how O had been like that and troublesome at every single appointment whereas R had been calm and still for all. While I was saying this R sat quietly in the corner playing and O walked around, chattered, looked at one toy, then the other and generally demonstrated that he still was the same. Heh heh.

I am a little apprehensive of another O-esque child, I have often wondered how I could have ever coped with O if he didn't have a twin to occupy his attention. When the boys are at school and baby is 2-3 I may just find out. O is the sweetest, most delightful child imaginable but a chilled out independent child like R would be a touch easier.

It may not be an issue, it is looking increasingly likely that I will have a job to return to that works rather nicely, so baby will need childcare for weekday mornings. Or not, I don't earn very much. I should really be looking for a "proper" job because I shall be a graduate engineer by the end of the year. Assuming I complete my dissertation that is but that is In Hand.

As said: uneventful.

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