I'm not sure if I'm generally more meh about everything, or if I conceived first time so easily I took it all for granted, or if having twins meant it was impossible, but I have never had the "first born" thing. Most people seem to have this thing where their first born, only their first born, is excessively precious and fragile. This only lasts until the second child arrives and never applies to second and subsequent children.
All babies are precious and fragile, I know this. They are miraculous and all parents believe their child is the most beautiful, perfect, clever, wonderful person to ever live. (My babies actually are the cleverest and beautifullest, by the way). I do baffle at entourages for newborns though, and the amount of stuff that accompanies the entourage. It's the wonderment that accompanies it all, and I do feel (probably as a second born child) that it's a bit unfair that it only applies to baby number one.
One thing I don't do however that many many parents do and I don't understand it (although I am well envious that they have the option) is leave their babies overnight with a grandparent - or sister or cousin or friend - from a very young age. Said person is obviously part of the entourage, but I couldn't be apart from my babies overnight until they were over a year old, and even then I only ever left them with their father. Some smart cookies seem to arrange a regular night off virtually from birth. for us, babysitting ended when we got home, and was a bi-monthly treat anyway (now it is less, sigh). The boys from the age of 4 were allowed overnight to their granny, three nights is the longest they have been away from us and I miss them like crazy when they're gone. Maybe my (relative) nonchalance about their existence stems from their omnipresence?
Many mothers return to work quite soon after their first baby is born (not so true with second babies, part time and career breaks seem to be more common with every additional child) and I envy them both the job to return to and the additional things that they can provide for. But there are benefits to being at home and being the sole carer for your babies; the being apart must lead to slight overcompensation when together. Also only having one child may make it easier to devote oneself entirely to that one child. I may do that this time, I am quite excited at the thought of swimming, mother and toddlers, baby carriers, going back to work (maybe) and other things that were out of the question with twins. I may have the first-born experience with my singleton! I don't think she'll be staying away in a hurry though.
This is a vague record of my second pregnancy and being a mother to three children. It is nothing more, if you're not interested in pregnancy and parenting then this will make for extremely boring reading fodder.
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Bump n grind
I've been looking at pics of me when I was pregnant with the twins. The bump was about the same sticking out-ness as my current bump but was considerably wider. This isn't surprising as the babies lay side by side for the entire second half of the pregnancy. I knew this due to the lovely 4 weekly scans which I would love to have this time. My time is up for having a 3D scan as I would have had to have had it this weekend.
This baby is apparently in the textbook cephalic position (head down, bum up) but I have my doubts as previously mentioned. Baby is up and down anyway as my bump is definitely raised in the middle. Although she does seem to be slightly over to my left side, even though her heartbeat is nearly always on the right. She must have her head down right and her bum off to the left. I have distinctly bruised ribs, her kicks are vicious sometimes and right now she seems to have a foot or similar locked underneath my ribcage. Ouchie!
O and I had a happy time shining his torch at the bump this evening and watching baby squirm. I trust this isn't unpleasant for her as it is presumably a red glow rather than a bright light, and it was recommended by a pregnancy guide.
Dissertation progresses! 1500 words added tonight, all heading done and time allocation completed. I know what to write and have a time plan to write it in. Due date is 15th, which really means 12th as we're away that day, and I need to get it bound. So next Wed, the 10th, is my deadline and I hope to be finished writing by this Wed. Fingers crossed it isn't too sore to sit!
This baby is apparently in the textbook cephalic position (head down, bum up) but I have my doubts as previously mentioned. Baby is up and down anyway as my bump is definitely raised in the middle. Although she does seem to be slightly over to my left side, even though her heartbeat is nearly always on the right. She must have her head down right and her bum off to the left. I have distinctly bruised ribs, her kicks are vicious sometimes and right now she seems to have a foot or similar locked underneath my ribcage. Ouchie!
O and I had a happy time shining his torch at the bump this evening and watching baby squirm. I trust this isn't unpleasant for her as it is presumably a red glow rather than a bright light, and it was recommended by a pregnancy guide.
Dissertation progresses! 1500 words added tonight, all heading done and time allocation completed. I know what to write and have a time plan to write it in. Due date is 15th, which really means 12th as we're away that day, and I need to get it bound. So next Wed, the 10th, is my deadline and I hope to be finished writing by this Wed. Fingers crossed it isn't too sore to sit!
Friday, 29 July 2011
Routine reflection
Midwife check today.
BP is 120/80 which is the best it's been for years. Urine is almost colourless, clear of any ick. I have no swelling and baby is kicking and her heart is beating away steadily. The bloods that were taken last week were all fine so I have no anaemia or rogue antibodies, or any infection or glucose problems.
I am measuring 34cm, which is the size for 34 weeks, which in turn is the 3 weeks ahead I have always been (for now I presume that's down to my lardy tummy of pre-pregnancy, possibly combined with excessive doughnut consumption in trimester one). Two weeks ago I was measuring just one week ahead and was worried the growth had slowed. I am now taking this as differing measuring techniques from different midwives.
So the pregnancy is doing well. I am personally doing less well, but minor discomfort is easily tolerable in the face of a healthy pregnancy. Nothing that ails me is of any risk to the pregnancy so I can live with it. And as the pregnancy has cured my blood pressure and sore neck, as well as giving me a year off, I can't complain at all.
I do feel extraordinarily lucky. To have effortlessly conceived three children having only "tried" once. I additionally conceived two non viable pregnancies, but they were neither planned nor established enough to count. I have had no pregnancy scares, and all has been smooth. My twins are perfect and so far there have been no problems with my daughter. The fatalistic voice in my head tells me it is too good to be true but I can't think like that. I believe being a mother is my true role in life and I am enjoying it and hopefully making a good job of it.
BP is 120/80 which is the best it's been for years. Urine is almost colourless, clear of any ick. I have no swelling and baby is kicking and her heart is beating away steadily. The bloods that were taken last week were all fine so I have no anaemia or rogue antibodies, or any infection or glucose problems.
I am measuring 34cm, which is the size for 34 weeks, which in turn is the 3 weeks ahead I have always been (for now I presume that's down to my lardy tummy of pre-pregnancy, possibly combined with excessive doughnut consumption in trimester one). Two weeks ago I was measuring just one week ahead and was worried the growth had slowed. I am now taking this as differing measuring techniques from different midwives.
So the pregnancy is doing well. I am personally doing less well, but minor discomfort is easily tolerable in the face of a healthy pregnancy. Nothing that ails me is of any risk to the pregnancy so I can live with it. And as the pregnancy has cured my blood pressure and sore neck, as well as giving me a year off, I can't complain at all.
I do feel extraordinarily lucky. To have effortlessly conceived three children having only "tried" once. I additionally conceived two non viable pregnancies, but they were neither planned nor established enough to count. I have had no pregnancy scares, and all has been smooth. My twins are perfect and so far there have been no problems with my daughter. The fatalistic voice in my head tells me it is too good to be true but I can't think like that. I believe being a mother is my true role in life and I am enjoying it and hopefully making a good job of it.
healthy pregnancy,
Midwife visit
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Feel the burn
Oh, the heartburn has taken off, we now have daytime heartburn. Today I have eaten:
Alpen for breakfast
Mushroom soup and a roll for lunch (coke to drink)
A kit kat mid afternoon
A cupcake at teatime
Mushroom soup for tea.
What gave me heartburn from that lot? The kit kat, and the second lot of soup. Go figure. I had a chocolate mousse following the indigestible soup, and that fixed it for a bit. Then I had a bath and the lying down-ness of that kicked off full on heartburn and the crazy cough. That is not present by day, but does seem to be relieved by my asthma inhaler so I can presume that my asthma is triggered by squashed lungs. Which makes sense really.
A glass of water seems to aid both ailments temporarily, and gaviscon gives short term relief to the burn.
My omnipresent cushion is proving a godsend. Assuming I drive to everywhere I go and lay a cushion everywhere I sit, I can deal with the pelvic pain. Either that or it's eased off a bit, but I'm not overly keen to test that out. I will find out in three weeks when the boys go back to school and I have to do the pesky school run. Hubby is confident he can do the morning runs (I will have to do the first day however) so I just have to get them at home time for 6 weeks (max). I will take over both again once baby is out and I can walk again as I will woefully need to get some level of fitness back. My calves are shrinking daily! Baby and I shall wander up and down to school and get Mummy a semblance of fitness.
One of the ladies on my Mums Due iVillage board who was a week or so ahead of me had her baby today.
She has had problems and seemed to be expecting this (I am her friend on Facebook but I'm not sure if she realises), as well as having had a least one baby at 32 weeks previously. Her comment today was that her baby girl needed a bit of help breathing. Fingers crossed all remains well there.
(and selfishly, please don't let my baby spontaneously appear any time sooner than mid sept, or for my health to require her removal prior to that).
Dissertation is not happening. I have a fortnight left to do it, and get it in. 10,000 in 10 days say: that's 1000 a day WITHOUT FAIL. I'll go for 2000 a day (ha!) and reassess my progress on Monday. Then perhaps admit it's not going to be done and find out what happens if it's not.
I want it out of the way so I can start worrying about other things, like the pigsty we live in.
A later update...
Sleep not happening at 1.30am. Reasons:
- Heartburn
- Excruciating pelvic pain on moving.
- The only position which relieves heartburn in any way results in sore pelvis and wriggles from baby who doesn't seem to like that.
Alpen for breakfast
Mushroom soup and a roll for lunch (coke to drink)
A kit kat mid afternoon
A cupcake at teatime
Mushroom soup for tea.
What gave me heartburn from that lot? The kit kat, and the second lot of soup. Go figure. I had a chocolate mousse following the indigestible soup, and that fixed it for a bit. Then I had a bath and the lying down-ness of that kicked off full on heartburn and the crazy cough. That is not present by day, but does seem to be relieved by my asthma inhaler so I can presume that my asthma is triggered by squashed lungs. Which makes sense really.
A glass of water seems to aid both ailments temporarily, and gaviscon gives short term relief to the burn.
My omnipresent cushion is proving a godsend. Assuming I drive to everywhere I go and lay a cushion everywhere I sit, I can deal with the pelvic pain. Either that or it's eased off a bit, but I'm not overly keen to test that out. I will find out in three weeks when the boys go back to school and I have to do the pesky school run. Hubby is confident he can do the morning runs (I will have to do the first day however) so I just have to get them at home time for 6 weeks (max). I will take over both again once baby is out and I can walk again as I will woefully need to get some level of fitness back. My calves are shrinking daily! Baby and I shall wander up and down to school and get Mummy a semblance of fitness.
One of the ladies on my Mums Due iVillage board who was a week or so ahead of me had her baby today.
She has had problems and seemed to be expecting this (I am her friend on Facebook but I'm not sure if she realises), as well as having had a least one baby at 32 weeks previously. Her comment today was that her baby girl needed a bit of help breathing. Fingers crossed all remains well there.
(and selfishly, please don't let my baby spontaneously appear any time sooner than mid sept, or for my health to require her removal prior to that).
Dissertation is not happening. I have a fortnight left to do it, and get it in. 10,000 in 10 days say: that's 1000 a day WITHOUT FAIL. I'll go for 2000 a day (ha!) and reassess my progress on Monday. Then perhaps admit it's not going to be done and find out what happens if it's not.
I want it out of the way so I can start worrying about other things, like the pigsty we live in.
A later update...
Sleep not happening at 1.30am. Reasons:
- Heartburn
- Excruciating pelvic pain on moving.
- The only position which relieves heartburn in any way results in sore pelvis and wriggles from baby who doesn't seem to like that.
premature baby
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
To sit
Today we went to the cinema, for the much anticipated Cars 2. Which was ace, incidentally.
I took a cushion with me, having established that sitting is painful. Lo and behold: it works. I'm not entirely convinced how a) I feel bruised rather than misaligned or b) how the pain is alleviated by cushioning, but it stops the sitting pain. So meals out may be back on the menu, and driving on a cushion proved to be comfortable again, which it wasn't.
The humble cushion. I'm not sure why I haven't tried it before, I've had the cushions/chair/footstool combo working for some weeks now, and that appears to allow "resetting" of the old pelvis.
Now it is 1am and sleep is not looking likely. For only the second time, I have this crazy cough/heartburn thing. The heartburn I am more used to, sometimes it is so bad I have to be upright or the burning hurts too much. When I was in late pregnancy with the twins I was guzzling gaviscon constantly, so this is something expected. But the cough is weird. It's not like a normal cough, although it does feel chesty. There is nothing much written about it in books or online, so I'm a bit lost as to what and why. General why: lungs are squashed. Specific why and what to do about it: nada. A friend of mine had the cough in late pregnancy so I shall have to question her. If I remember correctly, she was utterly miserable with it and could do nothing for it. Ah well. Maybe she discovered something and didn't mention. Don't know, can hope. Last time I think using my inhaler (for asthma) helped but I'm a bit twitchy about using that as I know it also dilates blood vessels as well as airways. Although you'd think the coughing and subsequent/causative breathlessness can't be good for baby or me. I think it's time for the inhaler.
I am guessing the heartburn and cough are down to excess movement from baby today. She went daft through most of the film, the noise presumably disturbed or stimulated her, and she continued to wriggle for most of the rest of the day.
Unpleasant side effect of unpleasant symptom: pelvic floor is not up to excessive coughing. Yuk. The level of ick in pregnancy is endless.
I took a cushion with me, having established that sitting is painful. Lo and behold: it works. I'm not entirely convinced how a) I feel bruised rather than misaligned or b) how the pain is alleviated by cushioning, but it stops the sitting pain. So meals out may be back on the menu, and driving on a cushion proved to be comfortable again, which it wasn't.
The humble cushion. I'm not sure why I haven't tried it before, I've had the cushions/chair/footstool combo working for some weeks now, and that appears to allow "resetting" of the old pelvis.
Now it is 1am and sleep is not looking likely. For only the second time, I have this crazy cough/heartburn thing. The heartburn I am more used to, sometimes it is so bad I have to be upright or the burning hurts too much. When I was in late pregnancy with the twins I was guzzling gaviscon constantly, so this is something expected. But the cough is weird. It's not like a normal cough, although it does feel chesty. There is nothing much written about it in books or online, so I'm a bit lost as to what and why. General why: lungs are squashed. Specific why and what to do about it: nada. A friend of mine had the cough in late pregnancy so I shall have to question her. If I remember correctly, she was utterly miserable with it and could do nothing for it. Ah well. Maybe she discovered something and didn't mention. Don't know, can hope. Last time I think using my inhaler (for asthma) helped but I'm a bit twitchy about using that as I know it also dilates blood vessels as well as airways. Although you'd think the coughing and subsequent/causative breathlessness can't be good for baby or me. I think it's time for the inhaler.
I am guessing the heartburn and cough are down to excess movement from baby today. She went daft through most of the film, the noise presumably disturbed or stimulated her, and she continued to wriggle for most of the rest of the day.
Unpleasant side effect of unpleasant symptom: pelvic floor is not up to excessive coughing. Yuk. The level of ick in pregnancy is endless.
asthma inhaler,
Cars 2,
pelvic floor,
pelvic pain
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Pootling around the house
Hubby's car is being looked at so he's stolen mine to get to work. Given that I can't make it past the end of the street on foot (and there's not much to do between here and there) we are in the house today. The boys' great aunt (who is only a decade older than us!) has taken them to the park, which is ace, except it's a bit of a hike for them and I'm concerned about overtired boys.
I'm so tired today. I cannot get motivated to write any dissertation. I should theoretically get some done while the boys are out, but I'd rather kip. Trouble with that is that I then don't sleep at night, but am too tired to work. It's the getting started that's tricky. I've got less than 3 weeks left!!! We go away two weeks on Friday and I have to submit it by then as the due date is the Monday we return. And I need to allow time for binding etc.
I shall watch Neighbours and then do an hour. That's a fair compromise.
Sleep last night was better, but interrupted for no obvious reason. Possibly just needing to pee. I haven't left the house today but did some housework so I am hurting because of that. It is not possible to do any form of housework without bending at all, and there's only so much even willing five year olds can help with. I quite enjoy my park-keeper effort of picking up rubbish with my picker-upper, except it's no good for pieces of paper and the likes. It is also good for the elusive socks that wander into every corner. Mostly I pick up everything non binnable in an area onto a table or similar, then I can sort and distribute.
Oh that reminds me, I binned some documents as I seem to have recycled all of the papers, good and bad. I must retrieve those. At least the recycling is all clean paper!
Dishwasher: can't do, I can only do the top rack as I can neither reach the lower rack nor the low cupboard the plates and bowls live in.
Hoovering and sweeping: I can sweep, I can't collect the sweeping. I can't hoover at all. Most of our floors are wooden or vinyl (carpet only in bedrooms) and O is getting better at sweeping up the collected sweepings with a dustpan. Mopping is fine!
Washing: not too bad, but I struggle to hang it up. Solution: small loads that all fit on the higher rungs.
It occurs to me not for the first (or thousandth) time that summers without a garden are even more impossible the older the kids get. I need outside space for them to run about in, to dry washing in, and just to be in. Hopefully this will be the last garden-free summer. Hopefully.
Foetal movement regular and reassuring. Nothing else unusual.
I'm so tired today. I cannot get motivated to write any dissertation. I should theoretically get some done while the boys are out, but I'd rather kip. Trouble with that is that I then don't sleep at night, but am too tired to work. It's the getting started that's tricky. I've got less than 3 weeks left!!! We go away two weeks on Friday and I have to submit it by then as the due date is the Monday we return. And I need to allow time for binding etc.
I shall watch Neighbours and then do an hour. That's a fair compromise.
Sleep last night was better, but interrupted for no obvious reason. Possibly just needing to pee. I haven't left the house today but did some housework so I am hurting because of that. It is not possible to do any form of housework without bending at all, and there's only so much even willing five year olds can help with. I quite enjoy my park-keeper effort of picking up rubbish with my picker-upper, except it's no good for pieces of paper and the likes. It is also good for the elusive socks that wander into every corner. Mostly I pick up everything non binnable in an area onto a table or similar, then I can sort and distribute.
Oh that reminds me, I binned some documents as I seem to have recycled all of the papers, good and bad. I must retrieve those. At least the recycling is all clean paper!
Dishwasher: can't do, I can only do the top rack as I can neither reach the lower rack nor the low cupboard the plates and bowls live in.
Hoovering and sweeping: I can sweep, I can't collect the sweeping. I can't hoover at all. Most of our floors are wooden or vinyl (carpet only in bedrooms) and O is getting better at sweeping up the collected sweepings with a dustpan. Mopping is fine!
Washing: not too bad, but I struggle to hang it up. Solution: small loads that all fit on the higher rungs.
It occurs to me not for the first (or thousandth) time that summers without a garden are even more impossible the older the kids get. I need outside space for them to run about in, to dry washing in, and just to be in. Hopefully this will be the last garden-free summer. Hopefully.
Foetal movement regular and reassuring. Nothing else unusual.
needing a garden,
summer holidays
Monday, 25 July 2011
To tolerate or not to tolerate
I'm finding people difficult.
I seem to have differing parenting views to everyone else, but if I try and express that it comes across as very smug and rude. Thoughts that involve "rod" and "own back" pass through my brain a lot when discovering what people do. Examples not forthcoming as I don't want to cause offence. Just in case.
I'm also finding people's attitude to what's going on in the news irritating. Who cares what tabloid journalists do? If a young girl dies from drug abuse, that's sad, it doesn't mean I liked her music. If lots of youths get gunned down in Oslo shouldn't we be saddened a lot more than by the two previous issues?
Pregnancy related stuff: sore sore sore, had lunch out today and found it nearly impossible to walk after sitting for an hour tops. Oh grand. So lunch is out as well as dinner, until such time as I have a new companion wherever I go.
I am concerned that I'm lacking amniotic fluid. There doesn't seem to be much there. Midwife on Friday. I shall have to remember to mention it.
Foetal movement was frequent through the night and most of today. Heart rate remains constant. I wish I had an upcoming scan for reassurance, there's nothing obviously wrong, I've just got to that stage where I'm worrying. It's been 10 weeks since my last scan, I've got 10 weeks to go. Middle ground, panic time. I may just book a 3d one. I probably won't.
Actually, although I have almost 10 weeks to go, she is hopefully to be delivered 9 weeks today!!
Ouchie. It hurts to move. I just adjusted my position from lying down to lying down a little differently and owwww. That hurt!
Bump hurts. Pelvis hurts. Calves hurt. Hurt hurt hurt. And people are annoying, damn them.
I seem to have differing parenting views to everyone else, but if I try and express that it comes across as very smug and rude. Thoughts that involve "rod" and "own back" pass through my brain a lot when discovering what people do. Examples not forthcoming as I don't want to cause offence. Just in case.
I'm also finding people's attitude to what's going on in the news irritating. Who cares what tabloid journalists do? If a young girl dies from drug abuse, that's sad, it doesn't mean I liked her music. If lots of youths get gunned down in Oslo shouldn't we be saddened a lot more than by the two previous issues?
Pregnancy related stuff: sore sore sore, had lunch out today and found it nearly impossible to walk after sitting for an hour tops. Oh grand. So lunch is out as well as dinner, until such time as I have a new companion wherever I go.
I am concerned that I'm lacking amniotic fluid. There doesn't seem to be much there. Midwife on Friday. I shall have to remember to mention it.
Foetal movement was frequent through the night and most of today. Heart rate remains constant. I wish I had an upcoming scan for reassurance, there's nothing obviously wrong, I've just got to that stage where I'm worrying. It's been 10 weeks since my last scan, I've got 10 weeks to go. Middle ground, panic time. I may just book a 3d one. I probably won't.
Actually, although I have almost 10 weeks to go, she is hopefully to be delivered 9 weeks today!!
Ouchie. It hurts to move. I just adjusted my position from lying down to lying down a little differently and owwww. That hurt!
Bump hurts. Pelvis hurts. Calves hurt. Hurt hurt hurt. And people are annoying, damn them.
delivery date,
fluid levels,
Sunday, 24 July 2011
New stuff part 796
Well, I went to go swimming today and discovered that my only remaining costume which still fitted, didn't fit. So off to mothercare went I. I now have a maternity tankini. Bliss! Two parts, so visiting the toilet is possible (and frequent at this stage). Shorts, so my bikini line isn't on display. Longline top so tummy is still covered.
I will never wear a conventional swimming costume again. Shorts are the future. Although I'm not liking the gap most non maternity tankinis have. There are non gap ones. I will find the perfect one.
For now, I have me a smashing one.
Whilst in mothercare I was given the new catalogues. Marvellous. And so much cuteness. Santa outfits for baby girls!! Which also reminds me that I will have a newborn at Halloween. Happy joy joy, a pumpkin she shall be.
So much girl stuff to buy. I am seriously looking forward to dolls...
I will never wear a conventional swimming costume again. Shorts are the future. Although I'm not liking the gap most non maternity tankinis have. There are non gap ones. I will find the perfect one.
For now, I have me a smashing one.
Whilst in mothercare I was given the new catalogues. Marvellous. And so much cuteness. Santa outfits for baby girls!! Which also reminds me that I will have a newborn at Halloween. Happy joy joy, a pumpkin she shall be.
So much girl stuff to buy. I am seriously looking forward to dolls...
Friday, 22 July 2011
If you're narky and you know it...
...get stuff free.
Yes, I am that shallow.
Today's post brought with it my welcome pack from Sainsburys Little Ones club, with a voucher to get a free mum and baby pack (worth £9.99) as well as some reading fodder. Included in said fodder was info for other baby clubs, so I've now signed up to Hipp, Heinz and SMA as well.
Free stuff to date:
Boots: change bag with nappy purchase + not that useful vouchers valid till May past. No products yet.
Bounty: lots of samples, more to come
Cow & Gate: cute cuddly cow + info
Aptimel: cute cuddly polar bear + info
Tesco: no freebies! Expected mum and baby pack! Not that useful vouchers, parking permit included. Info quite good.
Asda: vouchers + info. May have been a voucher for half price mum and baby pack (memory rot, didn't get anyway) but no freebies.
Sainsburys: a mum and baby pack to collect from store with nappy purchase. Info + better vouchers, valid till January.
Best freebie was the subscription gift from Practical Parenting - breast pump + thermal case + gizmos - but I did have to actually buy the subscription to get that. The others are shamelessly touting their wares, but I have only so far had to shell out for the nappies in Boots to get the change bag (which is nice)
To come:
info + samples from SMA (boo)
Baby comforter from Hipp
Not sure from Heinz. Samples, I think.
A surprise gift from Avent, which I believe to be a bottle. To be sent in the third trimester - I'm there!!!
I love free stuff. I quite like getting stuff anyway, but free stuff is super nice.
I did send an email last night to Fife Council to express my displeasure at their lack of help for immobile pregnant ladies. No reply as yet, unamazingly.
Swimming lessons are done, which is just as well as the stairs have got progressively harder as the week has gone on; today was almost unbearable. And we have struggled to get up and out early enough, R for one would sleep in much later. School will be tough to adjust to again, but hey, we did it last year having never done it before (they had afternoon sessions at nursery), although I was mobile and sleeping then. Ho hum.
Very sore pelvis. Very acutely sensitive nipples. I am having an early afternoon bath to try and alleviate both. I did manage to procure bra extenders in Dunelm
Mill for £1.45 each. Hurrah!
Much sleeping required this weekend. It does remain to be seen if I'll manage the dissertation. Another week and I may have to cry off, although I do feel I'll be even less likely to get it done with a baby. Except I'd feel well myself. Hmm.
Three weeks to do it? I can, surely?
Yes, I am that shallow.
Today's post brought with it my welcome pack from Sainsburys Little Ones club, with a voucher to get a free mum and baby pack (worth £9.99) as well as some reading fodder. Included in said fodder was info for other baby clubs, so I've now signed up to Hipp, Heinz and SMA as well.
Free stuff to date:
Boots: change bag with nappy purchase + not that useful vouchers valid till May past. No products yet.
Bounty: lots of samples, more to come
Cow & Gate: cute cuddly cow + info
Aptimel: cute cuddly polar bear + info
Tesco: no freebies! Expected mum and baby pack! Not that useful vouchers, parking permit included. Info quite good.
Asda: vouchers + info. May have been a voucher for half price mum and baby pack (memory rot, didn't get anyway) but no freebies.
Sainsburys: a mum and baby pack to collect from store with nappy purchase. Info + better vouchers, valid till January.
Best freebie was the subscription gift from Practical Parenting - breast pump + thermal case + gizmos - but I did have to actually buy the subscription to get that. The others are shamelessly touting their wares, but I have only so far had to shell out for the nappies in Boots to get the change bag (which is nice)
To come:
info + samples from SMA (boo)
Baby comforter from Hipp
Not sure from Heinz. Samples, I think.
A surprise gift from Avent, which I believe to be a bottle. To be sent in the third trimester - I'm there!!!
I love free stuff. I quite like getting stuff anyway, but free stuff is super nice.
I did send an email last night to Fife Council to express my displeasure at their lack of help for immobile pregnant ladies. No reply as yet, unamazingly.
Swimming lessons are done, which is just as well as the stairs have got progressively harder as the week has gone on; today was almost unbearable. And we have struggled to get up and out early enough, R for one would sleep in much later. School will be tough to adjust to again, but hey, we did it last year having never done it before (they had afternoon sessions at nursery), although I was mobile and sleeping then. Ho hum.
Very sore pelvis. Very acutely sensitive nipples. I am having an early afternoon bath to try and alleviate both. I did manage to procure bra extenders in Dunelm
Mill for £1.45 each. Hurrah!
Much sleeping required this weekend. It does remain to be seen if I'll manage the dissertation. Another week and I may have to cry off, although I do feel I'll be even less likely to get it done with a baby. Except I'd feel well myself. Hmm.
Three weeks to do it? I can, surely?
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Sore, tired, sore, tired
Gah. Very sore today, the daily swimming lessons at the pool with lots of steps, not being able to use crutches and immense heat is getting to me. Painfully. Also, we went to Pizza Hut for tea and I can safely say that I won't be eating out again in a hurry. Ouchie! Pelvis v v sore when I sit down for a prolonged time, unless it's on my cushioned chair of cushionness.
This isn't a special chair, it's a regular Ikea Poang, with a huge fluffy cushion on top. Seated comfort, but only in conjunction with my feet raised on a similar huge fluffy cushion on a foot stool. The feet up position seems to help as much as the cushioning. Sigh.
New excruciating pain today: my
right nipple is on fire. Extremely sore and sensitive. Additional boobie problem, my bras (newly purchased jumbo sports bras no less) are all suddenly too tight round my back. I guess my ribs have expanded, I need some bra expanders. Debenhams sell them, I need to get me to Debenhams. Easier said than done unfortunately as it is in the middle of the pedestrianised high street.
Which reminds me of a nark. Some councils issue temporary blue badges for pregnant ladies with pelvic pain. I currently have to drive to places I wouldn't dream of taking the car, because I can't walk far enough. I also need to get parked close to where I want to be, and I need a reasonable sized space. A temporary badge would allow me disabled parking privileges and also free parking. I object to paying £1 to park 500 yards from my home while infinitely more mobile people than I park willy nilly. Fife Council issue temporary badges for people who have a temporary condition that is expected to last more than 12 months. Thank you Fife Council! I may complain, I probably won't. If I can find someone to email I might.
I'm not enjoying it today. Even the kicks are predominantly painful over amazing. Oh to be at 39 weeks...
This isn't a special chair, it's a regular Ikea Poang, with a huge fluffy cushion on top. Seated comfort, but only in conjunction with my feet raised on a similar huge fluffy cushion on a foot stool. The feet up position seems to help as much as the cushioning. Sigh.
New excruciating pain today: my
right nipple is on fire. Extremely sore and sensitive. Additional boobie problem, my bras (newly purchased jumbo sports bras no less) are all suddenly too tight round my back. I guess my ribs have expanded, I need some bra expanders. Debenhams sell them, I need to get me to Debenhams. Easier said than done unfortunately as it is in the middle of the pedestrianised high street.
Which reminds me of a nark. Some councils issue temporary blue badges for pregnant ladies with pelvic pain. I currently have to drive to places I wouldn't dream of taking the car, because I can't walk far enough. I also need to get parked close to where I want to be, and I need a reasonable sized space. A temporary badge would allow me disabled parking privileges and also free parking. I object to paying £1 to park 500 yards from my home while infinitely more mobile people than I park willy nilly. Fife Council issue temporary badges for people who have a temporary condition that is expected to last more than 12 months. Thank you Fife Council! I may complain, I probably won't. If I can find someone to email I might.
I'm not enjoying it today. Even the kicks are predominantly painful over amazing. Oh to be at 39 weeks...
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
29 + 3
Pelvis: uselessly sore.
Baby: lively
Baths: wonderfully soothing but getting increasingly difficult to get out from
Appetite: sweet
Opinion on VBAC: reiterated to me today that anything other than a section would be bonkers, by a mum who had what I fear in the way of non progressing labour and emergency section.
Aww, she also brought me baby's first present, on her birthday as well, which was lovely. It's a set of little girl 3-6 months clothes and is very cute. I have lots more to come apparently, which is ever so nice. :-)
People are kind.
Baby: lively
Baths: wonderfully soothing but getting increasingly difficult to get out from
Appetite: sweet
Opinion on VBAC: reiterated to me today that anything other than a section would be bonkers, by a mum who had what I fear in the way of non progressing labour and emergency section.
Aww, she also brought me baby's first present, on her birthday as well, which was lovely. It's a set of little girl 3-6 months clothes and is very cute. I have lots more to come apparently, which is ever so nice. :-)
People are kind.
Monday, 18 July 2011
Changes that have come over me
Pelvis watch: not good. I had to do a fair amount of crutch free walking today and oh, I can't! Swimming lesson for the boys first off, which is every day this week and involves rather a lot of stairs.
I then spent most of the rest of the day lying down, but had to nip out to asda in the evening. I cannot do supermarkets. Trolleys are out as I can't push them, crutches are out as I need my hands. So it's a basket waddle. Not good. And the pain by the time I got back was ridiculous, I could barely put one foot in front of the other.
I am displeased to note that despite the bump now being on the very large side of huge, I still have the flap of skin below. How unfair is that? I guess twins make that flap inevitable, but still.
On a brighter note, we have booked a short break for the last weekend of the holidays. Just to Dumfries, I'm not prepared to travel far, but it will be ace to have that to look forward to.
And I received my Practical Parenting subscription gift: an Avent breast pump with two bottles and a thermal bag. We have an Avent steriliser and we used Avent for the twins, so its familiar. I was drawn to Tommee Tippee but they don't fit well in the steriliser. We were a little underwhelmed by the Avent bottles on account of slight leakage when mixing, but all bottles have some people who have that same complaint! Well nifty for zero cost though, I priced it up in asda and it would cost well over £30 to buy what I got. The subscription is less than that, and I'd buy PP anyway, I like it best of the pregnancy/baby mags.
A breast pump, yes, I did mean to get that as I do fully intend to give breastfeeding a try. Having spoken to a friend about birthing options I found myself pondering a VBAC again, but I think not. Stats are not favourable.
Many thoughts. Many.
I then spent most of the rest of the day lying down, but had to nip out to asda in the evening. I cannot do supermarkets. Trolleys are out as I can't push them, crutches are out as I need my hands. So it's a basket waddle. Not good. And the pain by the time I got back was ridiculous, I could barely put one foot in front of the other.
I am displeased to note that despite the bump now being on the very large side of huge, I still have the flap of skin below. How unfair is that? I guess twins make that flap inevitable, but still.
On a brighter note, we have booked a short break for the last weekend of the holidays. Just to Dumfries, I'm not prepared to travel far, but it will be ace to have that to look forward to.
And I received my Practical Parenting subscription gift: an Avent breast pump with two bottles and a thermal bag. We have an Avent steriliser and we used Avent for the twins, so its familiar. I was drawn to Tommee Tippee but they don't fit well in the steriliser. We were a little underwhelmed by the Avent bottles on account of slight leakage when mixing, but all bottles have some people who have that same complaint! Well nifty for zero cost though, I priced it up in asda and it would cost well over £30 to buy what I got. The subscription is less than that, and I'd buy PP anyway, I like it best of the pregnancy/baby mags.
A breast pump, yes, I did mean to get that as I do fully intend to give breastfeeding a try. Having spoken to a friend about birthing options I found myself pondering a VBAC again, but I think not. Stats are not favourable.
Many thoughts. Many.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Ooh, ow. My day of normality and doing stuff yesterday meant today was a write off. Had to get up relatively early due to pelvis hurting however I lay. Found sitting in my usual recovery position of cushion-on-chair with cushion-on-footstool was not working, so took two co codamol and had a warm bath. This helped some, but I have been mostly unable to move much all the rest of the day. Bizarrely, it got bearable, then I whipped some cream using an electric whisk and this set me back again. Not sure what happened there!
So, a most uneventful day. It was nice to be interactive and not lug about the crutches yesterday, but I guess there's a lesson to be learnt there...
The boys are very sweet about their sister. O likes talking to the bump and telling her what's happening, especially if his brother has been naughty. R is less interested, but mid rant he declared that although he hated everyone, he still liked her. He was very interested in the early days, but I think it has been too long (tell me about it!!) and also he is rather frustrated by my limitations. R will resume interest when there is a baby rather than a bump I think, although I still fear that they will be rather disappointed by just how little a newborn actually can do. Still, babies get better and better and more fun, until they reach the terrible twos that is, which seems to be any time between 18 months and 3 years of age.
It is strange to think of my babies as big brothers.
So, a most uneventful day. It was nice to be interactive and not lug about the crutches yesterday, but I guess there's a lesson to be learnt there...
The boys are very sweet about their sister. O likes talking to the bump and telling her what's happening, especially if his brother has been naughty. R is less interested, but mid rant he declared that although he hated everyone, he still liked her. He was very interested in the early days, but I think it has been too long (tell me about it!!) and also he is rather frustrated by my limitations. R will resume interest when there is a baby rather than a bump I think, although I still fear that they will be rather disappointed by just how little a newborn actually can do. Still, babies get better and better and more fun, until they reach the terrible twos that is, which seems to be any time between 18 months and 3 years of age.
It is strange to think of my babies as big brothers.
pain relief,
Pelvic Girdle Pain,
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Burn burn burn
Heartburn, that is.
Been at a barbecue this afternoon, but I wasn't aware of eating anything notably heartburn inducing. Still, I have heartburn of death. Gaviscon doesn't touch it and lying down is not happening. Sleep not looking imminent.
Nice spending time with friends, although they seemed surprised that I'm less dependent on crutches than they imagined. I can obviously manage without them, it just gets painful quicker. So I left them in the car, managed fine, and was in a LOT of pain by the time we left. Ah well.
No real pregnancy news today. I am now 29 weeks pregnant, into week 30. If all goes to plan, I will have a baby daughter in 10 weeks and 2 days time. Ooh!
Although that in itself is extremely overwhelming to comprehend. Much as I can't wait, and I long not to be pregnant any more, I find the concept of dealing with a newborn rather daunting. Just now if I am exhausted I can pretty much have a lie down. The boys can be distracted, and indeed told to give me an hour, and they're big and trustworthy enough to manage. Not so with a baby: if they need you, tough if you're not awake/alert/well enough. And a baby doesn't go to anything sans mummy, so doctors and dentists and the likes are much trickier. While in theory one baby will be easier than two, there are the following downsides to a second round of baby:
1) I have two older children that need looking after. If baby is up all night, I'll still be up first thing with the boys.
2) I may have had two babies first time round, but they were easy babies. This may not be an easy baby.
3) the existing children have a lot of stuff. Lego and the likes being the most scary. How to keep that away from baby???
Basically, there's a lot more to think about with older children around. And that's not even taking into panicky consideration all that has to be done prior to baby's birth, not least the dissertation.
Ugh. I long for a daughter, I love that she's coming and I will delight in her. I suspect this time round I will appreciate her early days more rather than wishing them away, having seen what comes next.
Just feelin' overwhelmed today.
Been at a barbecue this afternoon, but I wasn't aware of eating anything notably heartburn inducing. Still, I have heartburn of death. Gaviscon doesn't touch it and lying down is not happening. Sleep not looking imminent.
Nice spending time with friends, although they seemed surprised that I'm less dependent on crutches than they imagined. I can obviously manage without them, it just gets painful quicker. So I left them in the car, managed fine, and was in a LOT of pain by the time we left. Ah well.
No real pregnancy news today. I am now 29 weeks pregnant, into week 30. If all goes to plan, I will have a baby daughter in 10 weeks and 2 days time. Ooh!
Although that in itself is extremely overwhelming to comprehend. Much as I can't wait, and I long not to be pregnant any more, I find the concept of dealing with a newborn rather daunting. Just now if I am exhausted I can pretty much have a lie down. The boys can be distracted, and indeed told to give me an hour, and they're big and trustworthy enough to manage. Not so with a baby: if they need you, tough if you're not awake/alert/well enough. And a baby doesn't go to anything sans mummy, so doctors and dentists and the likes are much trickier. While in theory one baby will be easier than two, there are the following downsides to a second round of baby:
1) I have two older children that need looking after. If baby is up all night, I'll still be up first thing with the boys.
2) I may have had two babies first time round, but they were easy babies. This may not be an easy baby.
3) the existing children have a lot of stuff. Lego and the likes being the most scary. How to keep that away from baby???
Basically, there's a lot more to think about with older children around. And that's not even taking into panicky consideration all that has to be done prior to baby's birth, not least the dissertation.
Ugh. I long for a daughter, I love that she's coming and I will delight in her. I suspect this time round I will appreciate her early days more rather than wishing them away, having seen what comes next.
Just feelin' overwhelmed today.
29 weeks,
Friday, 15 July 2011
The lost one
I definitely typed a blog earlier. Where is it? Did I email it to someone random? Is it gone? Did I imagine it? Worrying.
We shall assume I typed it and didn't save it. Otherwise *we* shall go mad.
Today's swimming was less good: less relieving and more painful after. Boo. Obviously not a daily activity, maybe a twice weekly one instead. Next week the boys have swimming lessons each morning so we probably won't be doing any additional swimming.
Today's midwife check was fine, blood pressure (now to be checked fortnightly) is still normal. I had bloods taken to check for anaemia, glucose levels and antibodies. Otherwise all good: urine is clear, no swelling, nothing unusual other than the pelvic restrictions and bump is measuring a little bigger than it should but within normal limits. A little over a week's measurement ahead, which isn't as much as before and can probably be attributed to my lack of eating due to toothache. Previous big bump would then be down to excess eating. Shockeronie.
The midwife felt my bump and was assured that she felt a bum at the top. She felt down low and said that was a head also. This is good news; even with a caesarean head down is best as it is always good to deliver the head first. But having lain in a room prior to my twins' birth with several midwives and an obstetrician unable to decide if they could feel a head or a bottom (it was a bottom despite several plumping for head), I take all this with a pinch of salt. Also, really? Nothing bottom like to my touch, although admittedly my midwifery training is nil. I presume her to be head down when the majority of the kicks are upwards as I'm assuming the vicious kicks are from the legs and the gentler ones are punchy hands. I can discern feet when they push against my bump, everything else is a bit of a mystery.
Movement is peaking again. Constant jiggling from teatime till sleeptime. The latter being less like 4am and more like 1am which is good, there is hope for normality.
Dissertation due one month today. I must get on. I was doing well last week, this week the toothache has knocked me for six. 4 weeks, 2500 words a week. No bother...
We shall assume I typed it and didn't save it. Otherwise *we* shall go mad.
Today's swimming was less good: less relieving and more painful after. Boo. Obviously not a daily activity, maybe a twice weekly one instead. Next week the boys have swimming lessons each morning so we probably won't be doing any additional swimming.
Today's midwife check was fine, blood pressure (now to be checked fortnightly) is still normal. I had bloods taken to check for anaemia, glucose levels and antibodies. Otherwise all good: urine is clear, no swelling, nothing unusual other than the pelvic restrictions and bump is measuring a little bigger than it should but within normal limits. A little over a week's measurement ahead, which isn't as much as before and can probably be attributed to my lack of eating due to toothache. Previous big bump would then be down to excess eating. Shockeronie.
The midwife felt my bump and was assured that she felt a bum at the top. She felt down low and said that was a head also. This is good news; even with a caesarean head down is best as it is always good to deliver the head first. But having lain in a room prior to my twins' birth with several midwives and an obstetrician unable to decide if they could feel a head or a bottom (it was a bottom despite several plumping for head), I take all this with a pinch of salt. Also, really? Nothing bottom like to my touch, although admittedly my midwifery training is nil. I presume her to be head down when the majority of the kicks are upwards as I'm assuming the vicious kicks are from the legs and the gentler ones are punchy hands. I can discern feet when they push against my bump, everything else is a bit of a mystery.
Movement is peaking again. Constant jiggling from teatime till sleeptime. The latter being less like 4am and more like 1am which is good, there is hope for normality.
Dissertation due one month today. I must get on. I was doing well last week, this week the toothache has knocked me for six. 4 weeks, 2500 words a week. No bother...
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Bliss indeed
Oh to spend the next 10 weeks in a pool...
Swimming IS as good as they say. The water supports the bump, therefore being pregnant is irrelevant. No pain, no struggle, just being. Lovely.
The trouble being that it feels so much worse upon getting back out of the water. But worth it. I do feel that the hour or so I spent relieved of the pressure of the bump made the rest of the day a bit easier. I went to sainsburys after and, as that isn't compatible with no hands, I went crutch free. For the first time in weeks I was aware of walking normally. Back to cack by teatime, but hurrah.
A grand day out, we are going again tomorrow. The boys had a blast and boy, did I love the water. I've always been a water baby, but this was something else. To be free of the discomfort was just amazing. And it's nice being in a pool for all the conventional reasons. I kick myself for not swimming during pregnancy before.
All I need is a bath at home big enough to float in. And maybe do a couple of lengths in also. Uh huh.
Swimming IS as good as they say. The water supports the bump, therefore being pregnant is irrelevant. No pain, no struggle, just being. Lovely.
The trouble being that it feels so much worse upon getting back out of the water. But worth it. I do feel that the hour or so I spent relieved of the pressure of the bump made the rest of the day a bit easier. I went to sainsburys after and, as that isn't compatible with no hands, I went crutch free. For the first time in weeks I was aware of walking normally. Back to cack by teatime, but hurrah.
A grand day out, we are going again tomorrow. The boys had a blast and boy, did I love the water. I've always been a water baby, but this was something else. To be free of the discomfort was just amazing. And it's nice being in a pool for all the conventional reasons. I kick myself for not swimming during pregnancy before.
All I need is a bath at home big enough to float in. And maybe do a couple of lengths in also. Uh huh.
Well, baby seemed to like the codeine. No need for pain relief yesterday - hurrah! - as my jaw is recovering well from the extraction and the tooth of pain is out. But baby didn't seem to appreciate this, she'd been quite content and kicky with the pills, and without the pills she was positively manic for several hours. Addicted so quickly...
I jest.
Part of her excessive movements were in response to her father's excessive snoring. This has happened before, every time he emits a large snore, I get a kick. Not that conducive to sleep, and an ominous image of sleeping with the pair of them in the same room; it is I who will need my own room when we move.
I ended up doing rather a lot of fruitless to-ing and fro-ing yesterday which meant I was very sore. Walking is getting less and less ok, even with crutches. Although that is presumably at least in part due to my ever decreasing levels of fitness.
As I have undertaken to take the boys swimming today, last night required a feat of depilation. Upper thighs and bikini line are easier just ignored at present to be honest. All done though, I think, I can't actually see.
They say swimming (aka existing in the swimming pool as opposed to doing anything energetic) is brilliant when pregnant as the water supports the bump. I haven't tried it before with a bump so this could be a whole new blissful experience. Or not.
I jest.
Part of her excessive movements were in response to her father's excessive snoring. This has happened before, every time he emits a large snore, I get a kick. Not that conducive to sleep, and an ominous image of sleeping with the pair of them in the same room; it is I who will need my own room when we move.
I ended up doing rather a lot of fruitless to-ing and fro-ing yesterday which meant I was very sore. Walking is getting less and less ok, even with crutches. Although that is presumably at least in part due to my ever decreasing levels of fitness.
As I have undertaken to take the boys swimming today, last night required a feat of depilation. Upper thighs and bikini line are easier just ignored at present to be honest. All done though, I think, I can't actually see.
They say swimming (aka existing in the swimming pool as opposed to doing anything energetic) is brilliant when pregnant as the water supports the bump. I haven't tried it before with a bump so this could be a whole new blissful experience. Or not.
foetal movement,
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
The tooth is gone! I'm so happy, even if my face feels a little battered. I now have no wisdom teeth, which doesn't sadden me in the slightest, all of them have been problematic.
Temporary fix of yesterday did not work, I was awake half the night in agony. Two and a bit months of pain and a codeine addicted baby did not appeal, so I called the dentist - they are now almost my best friends there - to ask what could be done. My dentist was on holiday but another offered to carry out the extraction and I gratefully accepted. Not a nice thing to have done but I am so relieved it's gone. Even if the pain persists for a while, in a week or two it will be better and that will be that. No more to-ing and fro-ing to the dentist with the extraction to look forward to after the birth. And the worry of having an infected tooth plus having to take painkillers can go. Even if I need co codamol for a fortnight, I won't need it close to the birth so she won't be born sluggish or dependent. On codeine, I assume for a little dependence on me.
Unless she arrives this week on which case she will be 90% codeine.
None of the above seems to have caused any foetal sluggishness anyway, movements have been frequent and definite. She seems to have moved into some position that doesn't agree with me, I cannot sit up all without assistance or undignified shuffling. This began after my bath, which I very nearly couldn't get out of. Urk!
Bump looks considerably bigger also. Much baby movement has taken place this evening, it's all
changed. Thankfully she has moved away from her exit point - a kicking point today - which is a relief. She now appears to be sleeping, which meant an emergency heartbeat check (fine) as I feel distinctly odd, which I shall presume to be codeine and/or facial trauma related.
A sleepy kick of reassurance from my daughter there.
I have now finished the thankfully unscathed Bumpalicious, and feel that I need to amend my possibly unfair comments. Denise van Outen's actual diary is interesting, and I like that she has a caesarean (due to the baby's lie) and doesn't succeed with breastfeeding, but has regrets about neither. She has a healthy baby and - hurrah - for her this is the most, in fact only, thing that matters. The diary is a very small part of the book though and the "experts" sections are annoying and frequently inaccurate. I couldn't keep reading their contributions so I skipped.
Oh dear, I do feel rather faint. This is not good. I think some sleep may help.
Temporary fix of yesterday did not work, I was awake half the night in agony. Two and a bit months of pain and a codeine addicted baby did not appeal, so I called the dentist - they are now almost my best friends there - to ask what could be done. My dentist was on holiday but another offered to carry out the extraction and I gratefully accepted. Not a nice thing to have done but I am so relieved it's gone. Even if the pain persists for a while, in a week or two it will be better and that will be that. No more to-ing and fro-ing to the dentist with the extraction to look forward to after the birth. And the worry of having an infected tooth plus having to take painkillers can go. Even if I need co codamol for a fortnight, I won't need it close to the birth so she won't be born sluggish or dependent. On codeine, I assume for a little dependence on me.
Unless she arrives this week on which case she will be 90% codeine.
None of the above seems to have caused any foetal sluggishness anyway, movements have been frequent and definite. She seems to have moved into some position that doesn't agree with me, I cannot sit up all without assistance or undignified shuffling. This began after my bath, which I very nearly couldn't get out of. Urk!
Bump looks considerably bigger also. Much baby movement has taken place this evening, it's all
changed. Thankfully she has moved away from her exit point - a kicking point today - which is a relief. She now appears to be sleeping, which meant an emergency heartbeat check (fine) as I feel distinctly odd, which I shall presume to be codeine and/or facial trauma related.
A sleepy kick of reassurance from my daughter there.
I have now finished the thankfully unscathed Bumpalicious, and feel that I need to amend my possibly unfair comments. Denise van Outen's actual diary is interesting, and I like that she has a caesarean (due to the baby's lie) and doesn't succeed with breastfeeding, but has regrets about neither. She has a healthy baby and - hurrah - for her this is the most, in fact only, thing that matters. The diary is a very small part of the book though and the "experts" sections are annoying and frequently inaccurate. I couldn't keep reading their contributions so I skipped.
Oh dear, I do feel rather faint. This is not good. I think some sleep may help.
Monday, 11 July 2011
Well, in a bid to save money, I borrowed Denise van Outen's book, "Bumpalicious" from the library. Having progressed as far as month 3, I am set to kill DVO. What a load of tosh! Incorrect and/or poor "facts" and very superficial. How lovely to have a celebrity personal trainer. How marvellous to whip up your own range of maternity wear because you're famous. Of course I was in tip top conception shape pre-conception. Of course I eat perfectly.
It is very much in the same voice as Tess Daly's. Coincidence?
So. Rejected, but I thought I'd read it anyway. In the bath.
Splash! Dunken Denise.
So, I'll have to pay for the pages of junk anyway at a rate more expensive than the kindle version. No doubt the library would want the cover price so I shall source it myself. Immensely annoying.
Kindle has a bath bag to avoid tears at bathtime. Numerous books have been bathed over the years and I ain't risking the kindle, even though it is far less drop-able.
Book may dry ok, it didn't get fully submerged. Fingers crossed, I so don't want to own it or pay money for it.
Celebrity maternity guides: rubbish rubbish rubbish. Except Mel Giedroyc's From Here to Maternity which is FAB. And possibly Myleene Klass, as she is nice enough and I haven't read her book.
Braxton Hicks are here, I think. If it is them, I've had them for ages but I'm not sure as I don't think I had them with the twins at all. This is a v tight bump now and then, and they're starting to be ouchie.
Also experiencing kicks/jabs/worrying stuff down below which does definitely hurt some. I assure myself that if worrying things happened there, something fluidy or bloody would emerge. It hasn't.
Tooth has new temporary fix. Hopefully this one will last 11 weeks+ till my daughter arrives and I remember to arrange an extraction.
It is very much in the same voice as Tess Daly's. Coincidence?
So. Rejected, but I thought I'd read it anyway. In the bath.
Splash! Dunken Denise.
So, I'll have to pay for the pages of junk anyway at a rate more expensive than the kindle version. No doubt the library would want the cover price so I shall source it myself. Immensely annoying.
Kindle has a bath bag to avoid tears at bathtime. Numerous books have been bathed over the years and I ain't risking the kindle, even though it is far less drop-able.
Book may dry ok, it didn't get fully submerged. Fingers crossed, I so don't want to own it or pay money for it.
Celebrity maternity guides: rubbish rubbish rubbish. Except Mel Giedroyc's From Here to Maternity which is FAB. And possibly Myleene Klass, as she is nice enough and I haven't read her book.
Braxton Hicks are here, I think. If it is them, I've had them for ages but I'm not sure as I don't think I had them with the twins at all. This is a v tight bump now and then, and they're starting to be ouchie.
Also experiencing kicks/jabs/worrying stuff down below which does definitely hurt some. I assure myself that if worrying things happened there, something fluidy or bloody would emerge. It hasn't.
Tooth has new temporary fix. Hopefully this one will last 11 weeks+ till my daughter arrives and I remember to arrange an extraction.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Tooth very very sore.
Things I have discovered as a result:
1) co codamol does work in low doses and I am assured it's ok for baby. Possibly not near birth, but we're not (hopefully).
2) people are v unsympathetic to toothache. I still think it's the most acutely sore, unliveable-with pain I have ever had, and I'm no stranger to pain. This does not make me a wuss, it makes the toothache sore. Yes, contained, yes managed by painkillers. No, not insignificant.
3) I should probably have the tooth out as the temporary fix obviously aint gonna work.
Baby was rather unresponsive by night, worryingly, but has been a-kicking a lot by day. All seems well and I may be causing a sedative effect with the co codamol. Oh, more worry...
Nesting is a problem. I keep being disgusted by things and going at them. Which is good, if needs done, but I hurt myself doing it. Bonkers pain hurts after the activity, so you forget. Normal pain hurts and stops you doing it, not PGP. Dammit.
In the last few days I have scrubbed and dettoled the bathroom floor, cleaned out the freezer, sorted out and cleared everyone's clothes (lots for charity, lots for loft) and I can't not. The house is manky so as I say, it's a good thing really, but I do need to remember my limits.
Early to bed tonight I think, 3 hours max last night due to tooth, worry and indigestion was not sufficient.
Things I have discovered as a result:
1) co codamol does work in low doses and I am assured it's ok for baby. Possibly not near birth, but we're not (hopefully).
2) people are v unsympathetic to toothache. I still think it's the most acutely sore, unliveable-with pain I have ever had, and I'm no stranger to pain. This does not make me a wuss, it makes the toothache sore. Yes, contained, yes managed by painkillers. No, not insignificant.
3) I should probably have the tooth out as the temporary fix obviously aint gonna work.
Baby was rather unresponsive by night, worryingly, but has been a-kicking a lot by day. All seems well and I may be causing a sedative effect with the co codamol. Oh, more worry...
Nesting is a problem. I keep being disgusted by things and going at them. Which is good, if needs done, but I hurt myself doing it. Bonkers pain hurts after the activity, so you forget. Normal pain hurts and stops you doing it, not PGP. Dammit.
In the last few days I have scrubbed and dettoled the bathroom floor, cleaned out the freezer, sorted out and cleared everyone's clothes (lots for charity, lots for loft) and I can't not. The house is manky so as I say, it's a good thing really, but I do need to remember my limits.
Early to bed tonight I think, 3 hours max last night due to tooth, worry and indigestion was not sufficient.
co codamol,
Saturday, 9 July 2011
28 weeks
Well, baby has been reading the textbooks: as noted yesterday, starting this week the movements are less due to lack of space, but they are more like kicks than somersaults.
I noticed.
Today I was shouty, mad, depressed, tearful, ranty and thoroughly rubbish. There are a number of possible causes for this:
1) lack of sleep
2) pain
3) hormones
4) lack of nicotine
5) all of the above.
I'm not coping at the moment, or to be less dramatic, I'm feeling overwhelmed by it all. Too much to prepare for. Too much too contemplate. Too many ailments to cope with.
It is not possible for me to sit and marvel at my bump at the exclusion of all other activities and this is proving a problem. Having not done anything useful or left the house today, the pelvis is calmer. Yay.
Today was the start of the 29th week, or 28 weeks completed as seems to be conventional. As such, I have updates on all my baby tracker things. Baby's eyes are now open and susceptible to light and dark. So I've been shining a torch on my bump. A little response, not much, but she has been restful today (which means she's probably about to get active as I prepare to sleep).
I thought I might be leaking fluid today, but I'm not, so it must have have been a momentary lapse of bladder, which is udderly (heh) depressing.
Paranoia: someone I saw on Thursday has the cold. I do not want the cold. Grr to the cold. I am probably immune to it though, I must have had every strain of cold in existence by now.
Yes, I know. Literal I am rarely.
So that's me at 28 weeks on the eve of the last ever News of the World.
That's the big news. I might look back and care some day. Meh.
I noticed.
Today I was shouty, mad, depressed, tearful, ranty and thoroughly rubbish. There are a number of possible causes for this:
1) lack of sleep
2) pain
3) hormones
4) lack of nicotine
5) all of the above.
I'm not coping at the moment, or to be less dramatic, I'm feeling overwhelmed by it all. Too much to prepare for. Too much too contemplate. Too many ailments to cope with.
It is not possible for me to sit and marvel at my bump at the exclusion of all other activities and this is proving a problem. Having not done anything useful or left the house today, the pelvis is calmer. Yay.
Today was the start of the 29th week, or 28 weeks completed as seems to be conventional. As such, I have updates on all my baby tracker things. Baby's eyes are now open and susceptible to light and dark. So I've been shining a torch on my bump. A little response, not much, but she has been restful today (which means she's probably about to get active as I prepare to sleep).
I thought I might be leaking fluid today, but I'm not, so it must have have been a momentary lapse of bladder, which is udderly (heh) depressing.
Paranoia: someone I saw on Thursday has the cold. I do not want the cold. Grr to the cold. I am probably immune to it though, I must have had every strain of cold in existence by now.
Yes, I know. Literal I am rarely.
So that's me at 28 weeks on the eve of the last ever News of the World.
That's the big news. I might look back and care some day. Meh.
28 weeks,
baby's eyes,
foetal movement,
News of the World,
the cold
Friday, 8 July 2011
The baby bopping seems to have ceased, baby may have run out of room. The tomes do state that the period of most movement is between 24 and 28 weeks, and then it eases off.
Now, it is not that I am not experiencing movement. Not at all, for I would be a-panic if that were true. What I now get is a lot more like kicks, definite jerks of movement rather than the jiggling. Baby unfortunately appears to be lying in a transverse position, that is across my abdomen instead of head down as she should be by now.
Advantages to this would be confined to being further reason for a section, and the lack of engagement later on meaning my pelvis won't have to suffer the final onslaught of realignment. Which is something I worry about, given my current immobility.
I have been told twice in the last couple of days that I am looking good. I don't agree, but people are nice.
Thick glossy hair is a problem, there's way too much of it to do anything with and it's grown too fast so needs cut again.
Skin is clear now, that's nice, and I don't have swollen ankles or a vast posterior as is de rigeur for many mothers-to-be. But I do have a head of mental hair and must surely look tired.
Vastness seems less significant at this stage than it did just a couple of weeks ago. 22lb gained so far, which is what the books tell me is average. I am still lighter than I was before my weightloss in 2009. That's quite shocking. Right now I am also extraordinarily undainty in all movements.
I am a little obsessed with cleaning; if anything smells at all iffy it is being disinfected. Bathroom floor was today's target. I would guess this is nesting.
Pain of the old pelvis remains the same. New pain: I have a rotten wisdom tooth which needs xrayed but that can't be done till after the birth. Eating is difficult, but that's ok as I have chronic and severe heartburn now.
Oh what fun.
Now, it is not that I am not experiencing movement. Not at all, for I would be a-panic if that were true. What I now get is a lot more like kicks, definite jerks of movement rather than the jiggling. Baby unfortunately appears to be lying in a transverse position, that is across my abdomen instead of head down as she should be by now.
Advantages to this would be confined to being further reason for a section, and the lack of engagement later on meaning my pelvis won't have to suffer the final onslaught of realignment. Which is something I worry about, given my current immobility.
I have been told twice in the last couple of days that I am looking good. I don't agree, but people are nice.
Thick glossy hair is a problem, there's way too much of it to do anything with and it's grown too fast so needs cut again.
Skin is clear now, that's nice, and I don't have swollen ankles or a vast posterior as is de rigeur for many mothers-to-be. But I do have a head of mental hair and must surely look tired.
Vastness seems less significant at this stage than it did just a couple of weeks ago. 22lb gained so far, which is what the books tell me is average. I am still lighter than I was before my weightloss in 2009. That's quite shocking. Right now I am also extraordinarily undainty in all movements.
I am a little obsessed with cleaning; if anything smells at all iffy it is being disinfected. Bathroom floor was today's target. I would guess this is nesting.
Pain of the old pelvis remains the same. New pain: I have a rotten wisdom tooth which needs xrayed but that can't be done till after the birth. Eating is difficult, but that's ok as I have chronic and severe heartburn now.
Oh what fun.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Can't sit, won't sit
Tonight on pelvis watch we learn that sitting down isn't so good any more.
Today I stayed in all day and spent a large part of it typing my dissertation, but it transpires sitting for prolonged periods even on a cushion results in a very painful pelvis. I'm not sure if I'm stiff after the weekend's exertions, if I've done some damage, if I've gotten worse or if I just have to get a new sitting arrangement for typing.
It's getting me down a bit now, not least because it's nearly 12 weeks till she's due to be delivered. Back is also very sore today, probably the pelvic connector point. I am now in bed and am unable to get comfortable at all. Currently I am sitting upright contemplating cushions and hot water bottles.
It doesn't help that at 7am this morning when hubby had departed for work and I was making the most of the child free house (they return from Granny's tomorrow), but baby had a kickathon demanding breakfast. She's normally quiet and still of a morning, but no. Not today. Kicky kicky almost all day. Don't get me wrong, I love feeling her kick, but sometimes it's a little disruptive. Having been awake since 7, I could really do with some z's now. Alas, no position is comfortable enough to sleep.
Back: not recommended and extraordinarily uncomfortable.
Front: not possible
Right side: painful and heartburn inducing
Left side: painful
Which leaves levitation or sitting up. The latter creates a problem as to what to do with my legs.
Today I stayed in all day and spent a large part of it typing my dissertation, but it transpires sitting for prolonged periods even on a cushion results in a very painful pelvis. I'm not sure if I'm stiff after the weekend's exertions, if I've done some damage, if I've gotten worse or if I just have to get a new sitting arrangement for typing.
It's getting me down a bit now, not least because it's nearly 12 weeks till she's due to be delivered. Back is also very sore today, probably the pelvic connector point. I am now in bed and am unable to get comfortable at all. Currently I am sitting upright contemplating cushions and hot water bottles.
It doesn't help that at 7am this morning when hubby had departed for work and I was making the most of the child free house (they return from Granny's tomorrow), but baby had a kickathon demanding breakfast. She's normally quiet and still of a morning, but no. Not today. Kicky kicky almost all day. Don't get me wrong, I love feeling her kick, but sometimes it's a little disruptive. Having been awake since 7, I could really do with some z's now. Alas, no position is comfortable enough to sleep.
Back: not recommended and extraordinarily uncomfortable.
Front: not possible
Right side: painful and heartburn inducing
Left side: painful
Which leaves levitation or sitting up. The latter creates a problem as to what to do with my legs.
coping with PGP,
foetal movement,
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Monday, 4 July 2011
I have an MSc Dissertation due in on August 15th.
This is me working on it.
The boys are off to their grandparents for a couple of days, leaving me some peace and quiet to get on with writing. And so I can produce words about the subject - safety of cycling - to the order of none. I can't get my baby addled brain around it. I thought once I got into it, the words would come. But no. Nothing.
Words written: 1000 (exactly). All pasted from a previous version. Needs padded, cannot pad.
Update on pregnancy, which seems to have become Pelvis Watch:
Having gone out and about both weekend days, I am rather broken. Saturday's expedition to the beach was moronic, I cannot walk on sand. So yesterday's trip to the meadows, involving a short flat walk only, should have been ok. Whether due to the soreness from the beach, or just general can't-walk-any-more-even-with-crutches, I don't know, but I could barely make it to the car. In fact, I didn't, I had to stop and send hubby for the car to collect me.
Today I drove the boys to Edinburgh, about a 30 mile round trip, to drop them off. Seriously sore again, it now seems to hurt to drive. Tomorrow I have a full day of no children and no need to leave the house, so I will take it very easy and rest up the pelvis, and see if I can undo the damage from the weekend. Very concerned that, with the exception of the sand, the walking of the last two days has not exceeded what I will have to do in order to do the school run after the holidays.
People are being very kind, I am in full receipt of lots of sympathy and kind offers. I feel humbled and very ungrateful for previous moanage.
Baby is doing fine, I believe. She is very active anyway, kicking away enthusiastically, but not frantically. Current dilemmas consist of a middle name as hubby doesn't like "May", and my futile attempts to talk him into a 3D scan. Which costs £115 or so and isn't really necessary in the slightest. My main concern is to double check the gender, which is stupid. While I know ultrasound gender predictions can be wrong, nobody I have known has ever been told incorrectly, and in our case I could see for myself a lack of dangly bits and the presence of the tell tale three lines. The sonographer was pretty confident as well, even though she - as presumably is the custom - used the word "probably". Frequent movements, steady growth and the lack of any ominous symptoms leave me unconcerned as to the need to check on the baby (any new developments would manifest in some way that would not need a 3D scan to spot, or which a 3D scan would not spot). So it would be a double check gender spot and a slightly freaky image of the baby that's going to be here in 12 weeks. For over £100. Hmmmm.
Activate word production related to cycling not babies, starting NOW...
I have an MSc Dissertation due in on August 15th.
This is me working on it.
The boys are off to their grandparents for a couple of days, leaving me some peace and quiet to get on with writing. And so I can produce words about the subject - safety of cycling - to the order of none. I can't get my baby addled brain around it. I thought once I got into it, the words would come. But no. Nothing.
Words written: 1000 (exactly). All pasted from a previous version. Needs padded, cannot pad.
Update on pregnancy, which seems to have become Pelvis Watch:
Having gone out and about both weekend days, I am rather broken. Saturday's expedition to the beach was moronic, I cannot walk on sand. So yesterday's trip to the meadows, involving a short flat walk only, should have been ok. Whether due to the soreness from the beach, or just general can't-walk-any-more-even-with-crutches, I don't know, but I could barely make it to the car. In fact, I didn't, I had to stop and send hubby for the car to collect me.
Today I drove the boys to Edinburgh, about a 30 mile round trip, to drop them off. Seriously sore again, it now seems to hurt to drive. Tomorrow I have a full day of no children and no need to leave the house, so I will take it very easy and rest up the pelvis, and see if I can undo the damage from the weekend. Very concerned that, with the exception of the sand, the walking of the last two days has not exceeded what I will have to do in order to do the school run after the holidays.
People are being very kind, I am in full receipt of lots of sympathy and kind offers. I feel humbled and very ungrateful for previous moanage.
Baby is doing fine, I believe. She is very active anyway, kicking away enthusiastically, but not frantically. Current dilemmas consist of a middle name as hubby doesn't like "May", and my futile attempts to talk him into a 3D scan. Which costs £115 or so and isn't really necessary in the slightest. My main concern is to double check the gender, which is stupid. While I know ultrasound gender predictions can be wrong, nobody I have known has ever been told incorrectly, and in our case I could see for myself a lack of dangly bits and the presence of the tell tale three lines. The sonographer was pretty confident as well, even though she - as presumably is the custom - used the word "probably". Frequent movements, steady growth and the lack of any ominous symptoms leave me unconcerned as to the need to check on the baby (any new developments would manifest in some way that would not need a 3D scan to spot, or which a 3D scan would not spot). So it would be a double check gender spot and a slightly freaky image of the baby that's going to be here in 12 weeks. For over £100. Hmmmm.
Activate word production related to cycling not babies, starting NOW...
3D scan,
middle name,
Pelvic Girdle Pain,
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Lazy lazy
I'm reading another pregnancy book for the pure and simple reason that I find it difficult to give attention to anything that isn't baby or dissertation related.
This one is entitled "The Lazy Girl's Guide to a Blissful Pregnancy" by Anita Naik. I paid £4.99 for the kindle version and so I am determined to finish it. But grr indeed. It is annoying me something rotten with its vague generalisations and frankly patronising attitude. The Lazy Girl in question would appear to be the author as this is a very superficial book. It doesn't cut to the essence of pregnancy or whatever it claims, it simply misses out most of what other books have and sticks to the simple.
The budgeting section had me prickling with riled indignation. Hints to save money by looking at a better credit card or consolidating loans. Ooh, really, is that possible? And the case study of the lady who saved £300 a month by looking at what they spent on eating out and take away.
THREE HUNDRED POUNDS A MONTH??? that's £10 every single day of the month (because it was June, ok, for ease of maths). That's most of my wages. I mean, really, if you have that sort of money to spend on eating out in the first place, you probably don't have serious money worries. £300????
Oh, and of course, breast feeding is free. Yada yada. Let's hope nobody wastes cash hand over fist by being unable to breast-feed, the spendthrifts.
I have just read the section on birth. Which is a joyous and straightforward process that all women do and the baby more or less pops out of you. Having done antenatal classes you'll be prepared and supple and all will be simply marvellous. And onto the newborn.
Hold on. Aren't there other less simple births? Intervention? Drugs? Surgery? No? Really, no?
So, having had few symptoms other than nausea and a bit of tiredness in the third trimester, we've popped out the baby and naturally automatically shone at breast feeding immediately. What awaits us with our newborn?
I can hardly wait to find out.
This one is entitled "The Lazy Girl's Guide to a Blissful Pregnancy" by Anita Naik. I paid £4.99 for the kindle version and so I am determined to finish it. But grr indeed. It is annoying me something rotten with its vague generalisations and frankly patronising attitude. The Lazy Girl in question would appear to be the author as this is a very superficial book. It doesn't cut to the essence of pregnancy or whatever it claims, it simply misses out most of what other books have and sticks to the simple.
The budgeting section had me prickling with riled indignation. Hints to save money by looking at a better credit card or consolidating loans. Ooh, really, is that possible? And the case study of the lady who saved £300 a month by looking at what they spent on eating out and take away.
THREE HUNDRED POUNDS A MONTH??? that's £10 every single day of the month (because it was June, ok, for ease of maths). That's most of my wages. I mean, really, if you have that sort of money to spend on eating out in the first place, you probably don't have serious money worries. £300????
Oh, and of course, breast feeding is free. Yada yada. Let's hope nobody wastes cash hand over fist by being unable to breast-feed, the spendthrifts.
I have just read the section on birth. Which is a joyous and straightforward process that all women do and the baby more or less pops out of you. Having done antenatal classes you'll be prepared and supple and all will be simply marvellous. And onto the newborn.
Hold on. Aren't there other less simple births? Intervention? Drugs? Surgery? No? Really, no?
So, having had few symptoms other than nausea and a bit of tiredness in the third trimester, we've popped out the baby and naturally automatically shone at breast feeding immediately. What awaits us with our newborn?
I can hardly wait to find out.
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Baby bopping
Admittedly, baby is an active foetus, which we'll pretend is not connected to my excess intake of sugar. Wriggling is a regular part of the day, and while it is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced, as she grows she can give a painful jab on occasion.
I have noted the following things spark baby activity:
1) Hunger. She does not like me being hungry. I can only assume my tummy rumbles quietly and disturbs her.
2) Eating. Baby has a post-feeding dance, presumably this is jigging along to digestive rhythms, together with blood sugar surges.
3) Bathing. Since very early days, I have had massive movements when in the bath. Timing, positioning and warmth would be my guesstimation as to causes.
4) Bowel movements. I would guess this is pretty disruptive to a living environment, but baby does do a definite post faecal workout.
5) Music. Baby dances to certain tunes. If I play music she will sooner or later start to gyrate. Top fun can be had playing with this.
And finally,
6) Random unconnected shoogling. Baby just likes to boogie sometimes.
The movements are meant to slow down after 28 weeks due ti space and the lack thereof. I'll find that rather sad, but it does move us closer to the day we can start having real cuddles.
I have noted the following things spark baby activity:
1) Hunger. She does not like me being hungry. I can only assume my tummy rumbles quietly and disturbs her.
2) Eating. Baby has a post-feeding dance, presumably this is jigging along to digestive rhythms, together with blood sugar surges.
3) Bathing. Since very early days, I have had massive movements when in the bath. Timing, positioning and warmth would be my guesstimation as to causes.
4) Bowel movements. I would guess this is pretty disruptive to a living environment, but baby does do a definite post faecal workout.
5) Music. Baby dances to certain tunes. If I play music she will sooner or later start to gyrate. Top fun can be had playing with this.
And finally,
6) Random unconnected shoogling. Baby just likes to boogie sometimes.
The movements are meant to slow down after 28 weeks due ti space and the lack thereof. I'll find that rather sad, but it does move us closer to the day we can start having real cuddles.
foetal movement,
stimulating foetus
Welcome to trimester 3
Today I am 27 weeks pregnant, or into week 28. 27 is the magic number that means the start of trimester 3, but I'm not sure if it's week 27 or after 27 weeks. Whatever, I'm there now.
Baby just kicked to celebrate, which was clearly down to reading what I wrote and not to do with the bowl of Alpen I'm currently digesting.
So. Trimester 3, I can look forward to:
Difficulty walking far
Excessive tiredness
Getting very large in the abdominal area.
Much like trimester 2 then!
Although I am better equipped to deal with it all now, what with crutches, lack of work and what not. The summer holidays have now started so at least the school run is removed for now.
I guess now is the time to start making lists, sorry, organising what we actually need. There's a lot to come from other people, things we lent and other things they had that they think we'd like. But we need to get it here and in situ. And we need to prepare the house somewhat, and get mattresses and the likes.
Lists, lists, lists.
Baby just kicked to celebrate, which was clearly down to reading what I wrote and not to do with the bowl of Alpen I'm currently digesting.
So. Trimester 3, I can look forward to:
Difficulty walking far
Excessive tiredness
Getting very large in the abdominal area.
Much like trimester 2 then!
Although I am better equipped to deal with it all now, what with crutches, lack of work and what not. The summer holidays have now started so at least the school run is removed for now.
I guess now is the time to start making lists, sorry, organising what we actually need. There's a lot to come from other people, things we lent and other things they had that they think we'd like. But we need to get it here and in situ. And we need to prepare the house somewhat, and get mattresses and the likes.
Lists, lists, lists.
27 weeks,
baby equipment,
trimester 3
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