I definitely typed a blog earlier. Where is it? Did I email it to someone random? Is it gone? Did I imagine it? Worrying.
We shall assume I typed it and didn't save it. Otherwise *we* shall go mad.
Today's swimming was less good: less relieving and more painful after. Boo. Obviously not a daily activity, maybe a twice weekly one instead. Next week the boys have swimming lessons each morning so we probably won't be doing any additional swimming.
Today's midwife check was fine, blood pressure (now to be checked fortnightly) is still normal. I had bloods taken to check for anaemia, glucose levels and antibodies. Otherwise all good: urine is clear, no swelling, nothing unusual other than the pelvic restrictions and bump is measuring a little bigger than it should but within normal limits. A little over a week's measurement ahead, which isn't as much as before and can probably be attributed to my lack of eating due to toothache. Previous big bump would then be down to excess eating. Shockeronie.
The midwife felt my bump and was assured that she felt a bum at the top. She felt down low and said that was a head also. This is good news; even with a caesarean head down is best as it is always good to deliver the head first. But having lain in a room prior to my twins' birth with several midwives and an obstetrician unable to decide if they could feel a head or a bottom (it was a bottom despite several plumping for head), I take all this with a pinch of salt. Also, really? Nothing bottom like to my touch, although admittedly my midwifery training is nil. I presume her to be head down when the majority of the kicks are upwards as I'm assuming the vicious kicks are from the legs and the gentler ones are punchy hands. I can discern feet when they push against my bump, everything else is a bit of a mystery.
Movement is peaking again. Constant jiggling from teatime till sleeptime. The latter being less like 4am and more like 1am which is good, there is hope for normality.
Dissertation due one month today. I must get on. I was doing well last week, this week the toothache has knocked me for six. 4 weeks, 2500 words a week. No bother...
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