Ooh, ow. My day of normality and doing stuff yesterday meant today was a write off. Had to get up relatively early due to pelvis hurting however I lay. Found sitting in my usual recovery position of cushion-on-chair with cushion-on-footstool was not working, so took two co codamol and had a warm bath. This helped some, but I have been mostly unable to move much all the rest of the day. Bizarrely, it got bearable, then I whipped some cream using an electric whisk and this set me back again. Not sure what happened there!
So, a most uneventful day. It was nice to be interactive and not lug about the crutches yesterday, but I guess there's a lesson to be learnt there...
The boys are very sweet about their sister. O likes talking to the bump and telling her what's happening, especially if his brother has been naughty. R is less interested, but mid rant he declared that although he hated everyone, he still liked her. He was very interested in the early days, but I think it has been too long (tell me about it!!) and also he is rather frustrated by my limitations. R will resume interest when there is a baby rather than a bump I think, although I still fear that they will be rather disappointed by just how little a newborn actually can do. Still, babies get better and better and more fun, until they reach the terrible twos that is, which seems to be any time between 18 months and 3 years of age.
It is strange to think of my babies as big brothers.
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