The tooth is gone! I'm so happy, even if my face feels a little battered. I now have no wisdom teeth, which doesn't sadden me in the slightest, all of them have been problematic.
Temporary fix of yesterday did not work, I was awake half the night in agony. Two and a bit months of pain and a codeine addicted baby did not appeal, so I called the dentist - they are now almost my best friends there - to ask what could be done. My dentist was on holiday but another offered to carry out the extraction and I gratefully accepted. Not a nice thing to have done but I am so relieved it's gone. Even if the pain persists for a while, in a week or two it will be better and that will be that. No more to-ing and fro-ing to the dentist with the extraction to look forward to after the birth. And the worry of having an infected tooth plus having to take painkillers can go. Even if I need co codamol for a fortnight, I won't need it close to the birth so she won't be born sluggish or dependent. On codeine, I assume for a little dependence on me.
Unless she arrives this week on which case she will be 90% codeine.
None of the above seems to have caused any foetal sluggishness anyway, movements have been frequent and definite. She seems to have moved into some position that doesn't agree with me, I cannot sit up all without assistance or undignified shuffling. This began after my bath, which I very nearly couldn't get out of. Urk!
Bump looks considerably bigger also. Much baby movement has taken place this evening, it's all
changed. Thankfully she has moved away from her exit point - a kicking point today - which is a relief. She now appears to be sleeping, which meant an emergency heartbeat check (fine) as I feel distinctly odd, which I shall presume to be codeine and/or facial trauma related.
A sleepy kick of reassurance from my daughter there.
I have now finished the thankfully unscathed Bumpalicious, and feel that I need to amend my possibly unfair comments. Denise van Outen's actual diary is interesting, and I like that she has a caesarean (due to the baby's lie) and doesn't succeed with breastfeeding, but has regrets about neither. She has a healthy baby and - hurrah - for her this is the most, in fact only, thing that matters. The diary is a very small part of the book though and the "experts" sections are annoying and frequently inaccurate. I couldn't keep reading their contributions so I skipped.
Oh dear, I do feel rather faint. This is not good. I think some sleep may help.
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