Sunday, 3 July 2011

Lazy lazy

I'm reading another pregnancy book for the pure and simple reason that I find it difficult to give attention to anything that isn't baby or dissertation related.

This one is entitled "The Lazy Girl's Guide to a Blissful Pregnancy" by Anita Naik. I paid £4.99 for the kindle version and so I am determined to finish it. But grr indeed. It is annoying me something rotten with its vague generalisations and frankly patronising attitude. The Lazy Girl in question would appear to be the author as this is a very superficial book. It doesn't cut to the essence of pregnancy or whatever it claims, it simply misses out most of what other books have and sticks to the simple.

The budgeting section had me prickling with riled indignation. Hints to save money by looking at a better credit card or consolidating loans. Ooh, really, is that possible? And the case study of the lady who saved £300 a month by looking at what they spent on eating out and take away.

THREE HUNDRED POUNDS A MONTH??? that's £10 every single day of the month (because it was June, ok, for ease of maths). That's most of my wages. I mean, really, if you have that sort of money to spend on eating out in the first place, you probably don't have serious money worries. £300????

Oh, and of course, breast feeding is free. Yada yada. Let's hope nobody wastes cash hand over fist by being unable to breast-feed, the spendthrifts.

I have just read the section on birth. Which is a joyous and straightforward process that all women do and the baby more or less pops out of you. Having done antenatal classes you'll be prepared and supple and all will be simply marvellous. And onto the newborn.

Hold on. Aren't there other less simple births? Intervention? Drugs? Surgery? No? Really, no?

So, having had few symptoms other than nausea and a bit of tiredness in the third trimester, we've popped out the baby and naturally automatically shone at breast feeding immediately. What awaits us with our newborn?

I can hardly wait to find out.

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