Thursday, 21 July 2011

Sore, tired, sore, tired

Gah. Very sore today, the daily swimming lessons at the pool with lots of steps, not being able to use crutches and immense heat is getting to me. Painfully. Also, we went to Pizza Hut for tea and I can safely say that I won't be eating out again in a hurry. Ouchie! Pelvis v v sore when I sit down for a prolonged time, unless it's on my cushioned chair of cushionness.

This isn't a special chair, it's a regular Ikea Poang, with a huge fluffy cushion on top. Seated comfort, but only in conjunction with my feet raised on a similar huge fluffy cushion on a foot stool. The feet up position seems to help as much as the cushioning. Sigh.

New excruciating pain today: my
right nipple is on fire. Extremely sore and sensitive. Additional boobie problem, my bras (newly purchased jumbo sports bras no less) are all suddenly too tight round my back. I guess my ribs have expanded, I need some bra expanders. Debenhams sell them, I need to get me to Debenhams. Easier said than done unfortunately as it is in the middle of the pedestrianised high street.

Which reminds me of a nark. Some councils issue temporary blue badges for pregnant ladies with pelvic pain. I currently have to drive to places I wouldn't dream of taking the car, because I can't walk far enough. I also need to get parked close to where I want to be, and I need a reasonable sized space. A temporary badge would allow me disabled parking privileges and also free parking. I object to paying £1 to park 500 yards from my home while infinitely more mobile people than I park willy nilly. Fife Council issue temporary badges for people who have a temporary condition that is expected to last more than 12 months. Thank you Fife Council! I may complain, I probably won't. If I can find someone to email I might.

I'm not enjoying it today. Even the kicks are predominantly painful over amazing. Oh to be at 39 weeks...

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