An uneventful day so far. I decided I was not fit for work (pretty much decided before I left work yesterday) so went straight back to bed when I got back from taking the boys to school. And sleep...
Why is sleeping so much easier when it's daytime? We're designed to sleep at night, but that's hard. My brain has this little switch that activates when it understands that bedtime has occurred. This makes it go into "dooooo stuffff. Wakey wakey, dontcha need to visit the bathroom? Ooh remember those things you wondered about? Now would be a great time to look them up!" mode.
But I defeated it today. Ha. I went through the gargantuan effort of making and eating lunch (can still eat, this is good) which has been the sole achievement of today. Logic: may resemble human being later and be useful then.
Reading stuff mostly leads to paranoia. Everything can be bad /ominous if you read enough. Do not read stuff! Or if you must, read What to Expect When You're Expecting, because it is nice and reassuring.
I'm adding to this, it is now bedtime and I feel compelled to add for future reference that the nausea is never far away. It hides when I do no exertion whatsoever and am exposed to no smells of any strong type at all.
Surprisingly, the smells that are getting me most are perfumes. For no good reason I put on some Poison the other day and nearly fainted from the smell, I had to wash my neck. I do normally like Poison (not as much as when I was 12 but it was a kind gift still). The bathroom aisle in Asda had me near enough hurling this evening. Hubby suggested he might make kedgeree for the boys, saying as how I don't eat fish, and seemed surprised to be informed his wife would have to be out of the house for a week or so afterwards. Obvious smells have the nausea at peak, the ones a hangover can't deal with - fish, cooking smells generally and any conventionally rank smells. I already mentioned cigarette smoke. Ugh, and I can say that as a non smoker of nearly 2 weeks now.
I must have a wee rant about smoking sometime.
I am however going wild for Body Shop White Musk, which I have never really noticed before, and I've definitely had some and put it down to generically pleasant. Now it is ambrosia for the nose, and I don't mean it smells like rice pudding.
I don't think I'm going to work tomorrow, but I fear I may have to reveal the source of my malaise upon my return. I have the doctors who I may freak out with my list of worries. Ho hum.
I must point out: I was quite useful later. I walked up to school, reading that a walk and some fresh air is good for nausea. Is it ***k, but I survived (just). The boys and I did a fair amount of clearing - they did toys and I did trash - so we rewarded ourselves with easter eggs, which the boys didn't get on account of being very naughty while fetching them. And I changed the bed, by which I mean I stripped the bed, dug out clean covers then asked hubby to finish. Which he did - a DEFINITE perk of pregnancy. He did the dishwasher too.
Tomorrow, when I'm in a good(er) mood I may discuss intolerance.
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