This may turn out to be an extra one, because it is that time of day where worry, sore tummy and nausea* prevent sleep.
(*and the morning spent asleep)
Stupid stupid worry, I worry that I'm going to worry a problem into existence.
I have conflicting worries, which make less than sense:
Worry one: that I experience a missed miscarriage/blighted ovum and there's nothing there when I get a scan in 200 years time.
(actually in between 5 and 8 weeks, but time goes so very slooooowwwwly when you're pregnant)
Worry two: that it's twins.
Illogical, huh? One extreme or t'other.
I may have mentioned both, I forget. I forget most things actually, as the pregnancy progresses, the more repetitive these entries will be.
The evidence would suggest an entirely normal singleton pregnancy. Tell that to my paranoid brain.
I WANT A SCAN!!!!!!! The fact that nothing would show up yet is irrelevant. It's not that long to wait and as long as I feel diabolical and nothing falls out - it's ok.
Bedtime reading: What to Expect When You're Expecting.
Happy statistic:
Chance of miscarriage having not had one and having had a previously live birth is 5%. Even if I'd never had a previous pregnancy, the rate for age 35-38 is 18%.
Worry is a silly thing, it wouldn't make it easier if the worst happened. Shush shush silly brain. Enjoy the, err, something pleasant about this stage...
Incidentally, chance of second and subsequent set of fraternal twins is 1 in 300.
Worry be gone!
We still don't have any boys names and it's 15 weeks till we find out about that one.
Is it common for people who have had twins to have them again? Well - don't worry about a thing, what will be will be. I'm sure that you are fine! Although its easier said than done, not worrying!
ReplyDeleteIt's not common, but it's not unlikely either.
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