Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Twin panic

I am completely convinced it's twins. One boy, one girl.

The evidence is pointing toward twins, I seem to be developing a bump at 6+4 - not just the bloated tummy type either. That shouldn't happen for a bit, and is exactly what happened with the boys. I feel proper sick and, well, much the same as last time.

I can't imagine one baby. I picture a baby boy, and a little girl. Can't focus on one or t'other. This doesn't mean anything, I was sure I was having one of each last time, although I was sure of boy before I knew it was twins. But still, I've got a feeling.

Statistically, it's more worrying that before. Any IVF twins skew the statistics, because they didn't occur naturally. So naturally occurring twins like mine are much more likely to happen again than overall stats indicate. Personally - on the only previously tested occasion, I ovulated twice.

Don't get me wrong, I love my twins to bits and the second set would be easier than the first, but there's issues. 1) I want my singleton baby time!! 2) regular cars don't take 6 people. 3) The thought of another twin pregnancy is hideous.

Oh god I want a scan. I think I may phone the midwife tomorrow and see if I have a date yet. I want to be closer to the 10 week than the 14 week.

And breathe.
And breathe.

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