Thursday, 10 February 2011

Hormones, more moans

Hormones, they sure do put you in a mood. I've been akin to premenstrual, but worse, for almost a month.

Irrational tears.
Much shouting.
Hyperbolic outrage.

It's fun.

The smell thing is not good, although it's peculiar smells that get me. Food not so bad as with the boys, although certain foods are icksome. Mostly the ones I am compelled to eat, like today's macaroni cheese for lunch. Yumtastic but smelly. And anything resembling fish, or potatoes bizarrely. Perfumes are continuing to be a problem, all perfume now makes me gag. Air freshener, furniture polish, perfume & aftershave, fabric conditioner - all vile.

More rage:
I am now being illogically upset at people's response to my news. I've told pretty much everyone now, even work as I am green around the gills and as skilled as the watercooler at remembering anything. And I'm not sure what reaction would please me. Bizarrely, I'm almost embarrassed to say, it wasn't planned and I feel that counts against me. I still want it, very much, it's an accident I've been praying for the last two years, but I still feel slightly like it's not real somehow. I've got a vague recollection of feeling similar when I was blatantly obviously pregnant with twins. Until the scan and the definite confirmation that you've got a real live baby or three in there, it does feel a bit like you're making it up.

Christ. Imagine triplets. I always boggled at the idea of how one could cope with triplets (arms = 2, maximum number of babies also = 2) given the restrictions of twins. I suppose subsequent triplets do have the advantage of additional arms in the firstborn.

I would definitely be feeling shitter right now if it was triplets.

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