When pregnant many, many things are unappealing, which makes it troublesome that some of the appealing things are banned.
Already I am thinking ice cold water is the most luxurious and delicious beverage on earth. Coffee has ceased to be attractive - which didn't happen at all last time - and fizz doesn't agree too well with the old nausea. So giving up caffeine just isn't a problem.
Normal consumption: several cups of coffee, several drinks of diet cola.
Alcohol: this seems to be a toughie for most women. Nine whole months without alcohol!! I didn't mind about abstaining when I was pregnant with the boys as I was only ever a sparodic drinker anyway. Sometimes it's nice to have an excuse not to drink: "I don't feel like drinking" doesn't seem to cut it. This time round I have been off drink for nearly two years due to painkillers so I really shan't notice, I've got used to saying "I don't drink" now. Which labels me as a freak but that lets me off all manner of social niceties as an added bonus.
Nicotine: well. In both pregnancies I have said "no more" and stopped immediately. Cravings: yes. Difficulty in ignoring cravings and being goodly for the sake of the baby/ies: no. My incredible intolerance and very short temper might be in part due to nicotine withdrawal, but is more likely due to raging hormones.
I'm positive a cigarette would be impossible to have with the nausea anyway, the smell is certainly vomit inducing from other people, but I'm not finding out. I have little time for women who smoke when pregnant. I am pathetically devoted to smoking (at least occasionally) any other time - any excuse - and I can quit cold turkey for the sake of my offspring. All it takes is a reason not to get the next packet, a healthy child is a damned good reason and I am very disdainful of the mother to be who overrules that instinct and smokes anyway.
And off the soapbox.
Cheeses: this is the biggest sacrifice of all.
Q. Do you have any idea of all the types of cheese you can't eat when pregnant?
A. Anything unpasteurised or mouldy, sorry "mould ripened", especially both. That means the mighty gorgonzola, the magnificent camembert and the wondrous dolcelatte are all out. Goat's cheese - nope. Feta - nope.
Cheese is lovely, cheese is the best.
Cheese is denied.
I miss cheese.
Luckily this can be sidelined a bit by eating copious wodges of cheddar.
Pate: you're not supposed to eat liver anyway - too much vitamin A for baby - and pate also carries a risk of listeria. So it's a no no. Even vegetarian pate supposedly - listeria again, and in some there's a risk of salmonella from raw eggs.
I don't eat regular pate, but now, obviously, I want some.
Medications: you're not supposed to have any. Certain antihistamines are ok, paracetamol is ok if you really must and that's about it. Except for gaviscon, which is every pregnant woman's best friend. Suffer colds and flu manfully, for there is nothing you can take.
I ignored the vague recommendation to avoid nuts when I was pregnant before and now it is official that there is no evidence to support the likelihood of your child developing a nut allergy if you consume nuts when you're pregnant. Oh really? There's a shock.
Obviously people who have nut allergies are recommended not to eat nuts when pregnant.
I'm not overly convinced by the bagged salad thing (listeria again) but as I can heroically cope with cutting up my own salad, I'll go with it.
I don't have a cat, but if I did I'd have to forgo changing the litter tray. Cat poo is v bad news, it can carry toxoplasmosis which is worse than listeria. Dog poo is ok.
You're also supposed to avoid certain essential oils. Citrus oils are ok and I don't care much about the others. Avoid being a hippy.
I don't personally colour my hair when pregnant. Just in case. Lots of other people do in the delusion that nicely touched up roots will detract from the rest.
There's other things one should avoid, they're mostly fairly obvious. If you do something daft, stop doing it for now.
It is worth it.
haha - love this entry!!