Baby is now a foetus! Woo! No more embryo, which technically means we're past a lot of the dodgy might-not-make-it stages. Having gestated for 6 weeks, plus the two weeks of not being pregnant yet that they insist on adding, we have completed 8 weeks and so are in week 9. Which some things advance you to being 9 weeks pregnant and it's confusing me. I'm not entirely sure if the due date is after 40 weeks or in week 40.
Anyways, after the scan on 25 March that will be 12 weeks, into week 13 and trimester 2. I think. And I will know if there's an actual baby and if it has any siblings in there.
Sickness is less intense than it was, feeling queasy rather than about to be sick. Rather off the idea of food though, I don't really fancy anything and don't really enjoy much. Way too keen on chocolate and puddings though.
Boobies appear to have reached their maximum size and are less painful although still very heavy and sensitive.
Of course this brings paranoia of hormone levels dropping and all being over, but the fatigue is there in full force. To be honest, having had two chemical pregnancies, when you stop being pregnant, you don't feel LESS pregnant, you don't feel pregnant at all. You wake up just feeling normal.
And she's an embryo now, I would have major indications of any loss. I think. Except if it's a molar pregnancy, or a missed miscarriage. Oh shut up brain.
I say she: that is optimism, as opposed to they or he. He would be ok, obviously, but I need some female back up in this household.
Insomnia is wearing off, difficulty in sleeping directly proportional to amount of daytime kipping.
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