Sunday, 27 February 2011

"Bad" parenting

I am going to be a bad mother to this baby. It cannot be helped for I have been tainted by experience.

I do not undertake to breastfeeding against all odds until my child is 14.
I fully intend to try; if - unlike my firstborn - they manage to latch on within 72 hours, then they shall have my milk. Combined with formula, pretty much from day one. Reasons for this are many:
1) 2 healthy boys who never had breastmilk
2) 1 allergy ridden, UTI prone, asthmatic mother who was exclusively breastfed (thats me!) unlike her exclusively formula fed sibling who has none of the above
3) I'm not that good at eating nutritionally great food and would have palpitations at the thought of depriving my child. I also need rather a lot of medication when I'm not pregnant. I like the security of measured nutrients, safe milk and confirmed amounts.

I shall be offering my child a dummy.
It is called a soother and it soothes. People who think they are a cop out are idiotic; if a child is offered a dummy when something else is desired, the dummy is swiftly returned. Besides, current wisdom decrees it protects against SIDS.

I shall be fighting to NOT have a natural birth.
I want a caesarean. The survival chances and health of my child are significantly better with a planned caesarean. I have good reason to think that my pelvis would be rubbish at the whole delivery thing (also, son 1 has a ginormous head) A failed VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) bodes very ominously for mother and child. An elective caesarean has the most positive statistics. I don't remotely feel that I will miss out on a natural birth, I had no trouble bonding with my caesarean born twins and I am prepared to fight for the right to have a section. I'm not incidentally too posh to push, I don't have issue with pain, I do have issue with endangering my unborn child.

I shall be destroying the planet.
It's disposables I'm afraid. No child of mine is having nappy rash because I chose a different type of nappy from the one that I know works beautifully.

I shall be weaning at 17 weeks.
I liked the puree stage, theres something immensely satisfying about making a tiny pot of goo and feeding it to your child, and experimenting with foods. Given that the period from 14-17 weeks was a trial of not being able to satisfy hungry boys, I embraced the arrival of 17 weeks and weaning. No way could we have waited till 6 months. There are better first weaning foods now, I weaned mine on (gluten free, sugar free) rusks (don't tell my health visitor!!) as they understandably balked at baby rice, which supposedly means "they are not ready". Bollocks, it means baby rice is rank.

My child might well go straight into their own room.
Unless we haven't moved of course, but if we have they will. The boys did, we had no choice as there was no room for four of us in one bedroom. A midwife made me cry by insinuating that I was going to be tantamount to murdering my babies by not having them in beside me. My obstetrician arrived as I sobbed, he tsked at the midwife's words, informing me all three of his own children had gone into their own rooms. It makes sense to me, to have them settle early rather than having the heartbreak of separation later.

Shoot me now. I'm uncaring and old fashioned. I believe in happy children, I don't need to complete myself as a woman or save the planet. I want my children to be secure, loved and well. I shall do all of the above and if this baby is as healthy and happy as my twins are, I shall be satisfied with my job of mothering.

For the record, Dr Spock talked a lot of sense as far as I can tell. I am going to read his book and see if he was as awful as I've been told...

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