Sunday 30 January 2011

First proper panic.

This morning's panic/reassurance/panic was from the second of the packet of tests that indicate time since conception. It now reads 2-3 weeks. Which is good, great, because the hormone levels are increasing and so the pregnancy is viable.

Holy moly! Lots of hormone could mean...

more than one baby!!!!!!!!

One baby more than anticipated is one thing, two more is, erm, difficult. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have another set of twins and it would remove the hardship of being the sibling of twins, but I'm not sure how we'd cope. And, totally selfishly, I relish the thought of all the things I could do with one baby that were out of the question with twins.

We would have said we couldn't have coped with one set of twins. We did. As long as any babies that come out are healthy, I don't really care. Within reason. Quintuplets would be too much.

Symptoms are starting proper: achy chest, nausea, fatigue. Neck is less sore, I may manage to have a baby that isn't born with a codeine addiction. Hurrah!

Still not telling anyone, except two close friends who I couldn't not tell when I'd told other people.

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