Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Sizing up baby

Having been constantly reminded since about conception that I am "large" (usual grump: twins, lardiness etc), I do wonder, not for the first time, if this is a jumbo baby. The midwife agreed that she is clearly a "good size baby" but didn't hazard a guess as to how good. Going on my 3 weeks ahead estimate (ginormous baby rather than advanced baby) that would make her currently around 6lb as opposed to the 4.75lb she should be at this stage, and if delivered at 39 weeks that would make her 8.5lb or so. Based on average baby sizes anyway.

The twins were delivered at 38+6 weeks, and were 7lb 1 and 6lb 2. I've mentioned this already, I'm not sure if the "twins are small" concept stems from the "twins come early" assumption. On average, twins are born at 37 weeks, not 40, and are, on average, smaller than singleton babies.

Whatever, I'm assuming at 39 weeks that baby will be bigger than the twins, which may or may not be inaccurate. She sure feels big, the enormous bump on my front is all baby. Wherever you feel, there's a bit of wriggling baby there.

She's still legs (all 9 of them) forward, I'm doing a spontaneous belly dance most of the time and there's many jabbing reminders of her being alive and kicking. I can't pretend that it's not fabulous, even if it does hurt sometimes. I was treated to a belly boogie when I woke up this morning, no time to worry.

One of the nicest mums from school is pregnant, her baby is due in January and so will be in the same school year as my baby, although probably not the same class. I'm well chuffed, both for her and for me. A new-baby buddy!

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