Tuesday, 2 August 2011


Babies make me cry.

They don't usually, I recall being like this when I was close to having the boys. The sight of a newborn, especially if I see footage of it actually being born, has this bizarre response of being really tearful. I don't know if this is a result of a bonkers mix of hormones and tiredness, or if it's a overwhelming sense of OH MY GOD I'M HAVING ONE OF THOSE SOON!!!

Older babies I don't seem to have a problem with. Just teeny tiny ones. I'm sure I felt the same emotion when I saw my own newborns, but that was mixed in with unadulterated joy and relief as well as the tearfulness.

I may add that the tears aren't actually shed, they just threaten.

All my emotions are heightened, I'm quick to lose my temper, over worried about things and generally fretsome and grumpy.

Today's worry is down to a very obviously upset tummy. I don't think I've eaten anything potentially harmful, but there's always the worry. Or it could be a sign of impending labour too early. The Braxton Hicks are fairly frequent; each time I am now thinking, is it real? Could it be? It doss hurt a lot sometimes.

The lady from my online group who had her baby at 31+5 weeks had a condition called acute fatty liver of pregnancy, which sounds horrendous, and can only be cured by delivery. Poor soul has had this in all three of her pregnancies, which seems extraordinarily unfair.


Point being, it wasn't a spontaneous labour. I seem to be in good health (although don't want to tempt fate) so early delivery shouldn't be required. Spontaneous early labour, well that's a whole different worry.

Hang on in little girl, a few more weeks yet.

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