Monday, 22 August 2011


Hiccupping is good they tell me, it indicates that baby's diaphragm is well developed and that she is "breathing" the amniotic fluid.

Hiccupping is however alarming, especially when displayed as frequently as baby hiccups (as did foetal O). Although I did time them for a minute - 21 hics from baby - and that's average supposedly. It FELT like every second or faster, but no.

Foetal stuff is all done quickly.They don't do much. Hiccup, grow, develop, kick and have a heartbeat. All done rapidly.

Although the actions from within do seem more sophisticated than that which a newborn can do. I have my doubts as to any foetus playing with the cord etc as it takes a good number of weeks post birth to master such movement. You'd think the fluid, darkness, immaturity and what not would hinder.

Happily baby seems to have definitely moved around and isn't back to back, so back doesn't ache so badly, but pelvis is sorer again. My bump is smooth again and all seems back to normal. Unless I am mistaken, which is incredibly likely, she is transverse, or sideways as most people recognise, at the moment.

My home BP monitor has my BP crazy high. I feel fine and have no swelling, but if it's still mad tomorrow I'd best get it checked properly. If it is high with their machines I can look forward to perpetual monitoring for the rest of the pregnancy. I'm not unduly worried in light of no other symptoms but I guess I need to double check just in case. Or maybe I'll just wait till I see the consultant* on Friday unless I swell up or feel odd in some way. Heartbeat monitoring scaled up just in case. Well. Y'know.

*Yes, consultant on Friday. I shall pontificate on that topic later.

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