Friday, 26 August 2011


Ugh. Have spent most of the day in the recovery ward surrounded by dazed and confused new parents and crying newborns.

Now I am still in post natal, but I have my own room. Quiet at last. No tv though, they are moving to a new hospital in the new year so they haven't got new TVs or set top boxes for the old hospital. Boo. I shall have to use my data allowance heavily... I have 800Mb left this month, new allowance starts in 6 days. So should be ok to watch online tv a bit.

Blood pressure is still kinda high, which is why I'm still here. They are - obviously - not willing to give me the medication that made the pressure crash so much, but the one they're going with doesn't seem to be working. Until they can stabilise it, I'm to stay in. Yawwwn. Although I have to say I don't feel that well and it is therefore reassuring to be here and checked.

Things that can go wrong with high blood pressure:

They are on high alert for pre-eclampsia as that is v bad for pregnant mamas and if I show symptoms of that - protein in urine, floaters in vision, pain in chest - they will deliver baby.

High blood pressure in itself can lead to kidney problems and even placental abruption, so they definitely want to keep an eye on me, and ideally get me settled with regular pressure. Probably with medication if they can get the dose just right.

Oh, it is sooooo nice to be in a quiet room. I am shortly to get another bp check and then supper which I assume is tea and toast. Yum!

Happier now.

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