Saturday, 6 August 2011

Ow ow ow not yet thank you

32 weeks today! Hurrah!

And I hurt. A lot. In the just below the rib area, periodically tightening and being very very sore.

I don't think this is a sign of anything labourlike, I assume this is big time Braxton Hicks, but owwwwww!! But I also have backache and a touch of the runs, so I've been looking up "premature labour" and "survival at 32 weeks". Ahem.

I think I'd be more sore if it was the real thing, although I do believe it starts mildly.

Ow. Owwww. Owwwwwwwww!

Baby seems to be twisting and turning a lot. She was distinctly sideways earlier, which hurt my sides, now she seems to be shifting again. Ow. I have hard knee like parts sticking out of my belly.

Oh ow. It hurts again. I'm sure this isn't it, it's too early and not sore enough as per the childbirth experts, but I'm not entirely sure if I will get any sleep. Ow.

Reasons why it's almost certainly not labour:

1) I'm only 32 weeks
2) I carried twins to term. They are meant to come early
3) I'm not screaming.
4) I don't smoke
5) I don't drink
6) I'm not obese or underweight
7) I'm not malnourished

1) It hurts
2) I do/did have gum disease
3) I have a lot of aspartame on a daily basis
(both these things apparently contribute to premature delivery)
4) Backache+runs+v sore hardening uterus could mean it is it.

I don't want her to come yet. The thought of her being in hospital and not in me or with me is awful. She would almost certainly be ok after a stay in hospital if she was born now, but I really don't want her to be out of me and in an incubator. I wish to incubate her myself for a while yet.

Besides, hubby is all set for his business trip next week (which he obvs would cancel in light of birthing taking place) and we're to be going away next weekend. Irrelevant in the face of healthy baby, but still, timing not good. In three weeks time it'd be ok, five weeks would be absolutely fine. And not coming till she's meant to would be best, if painful in the meantime.

I'm being paranoid, I know I am, but it is alarming. I get very very sore, then not sore at all. Then a short time later, sore again. Braxton Hicks or baby athletics. I'm sure. Sure I'm sure.

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