Thursday, 31 March 2011

A long and endless wait

Oh, this is the tedious bit.
I don't feel better, I feel super tired super grumpy, and while I feel nauseous less often, I feel much more so when I do, sometimes actually spewing.

So that's a lie. Pfft to the second semester wellness. I had to take yesterday off and spend it in bed just to function. Yippee.

I continue to have a bloated stomach of slowed down bowels and doughnuts/toast/sweets (only put on 4lb??) so it's a bit hard to tell if I'm showing for real. I sure look pregnant, but it's not real. Even if it's mighty weird - periodically my whole abdomen goes really tight. I know you can experience Braxton Hicks from early on but I would have expected that to be restricted to the uterus, which is currently lost in there somewhere.

I may look up what Braxton Hicks actually are. I don't remember that from before, but I was so obviously pregnant and very very miserable I possibly didn't notice. And that was my halcyonic first pregnancy in an unbattered uterus.

I have a permanent sour taste in my mouth. It's not nice.

The wait bit alluded to: it's 7 weeks today before anything happens. That's two weeks less than it's been since I found out I was pregnant. Which was aeons ago. That's when the anomaly scan is and until then I see noone unless hypochondria or something real and bad happens. Wah. And between now and then I have to shape my dissertation into something for a 15 minute presentation. Which is my idea of HELL and as I shall be over 19 weeks by then (it's the same week as the scan) I will be looking distinctly fecund.

I hope to feel lovely reassuring movement soon. I feel little bubbles of movement but they might well be non foetal. I want positive foetal kicking please.

I am not buying a Doppler. I'd go proper mad. Although I'm not sure listening for a heartbeat with my son's toy stethoscope qualifies me as sane.

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