Friday, 4 March 2011

9 weeks and feeling double

I am 9 weeks today. Entering week 10 and feeling sick. Tiredness is ridiculous, sickness is vile by the end of the day, head is achy and I feel generally cack. No real change other than being tireder and more headachey.

Today I saw the coolest buggy I have ever laid my eyes on. It is made by Recaro and comes with a car seat and carrycot. It's lovely, going by the name of Akuna, and a right bargain at £395 for the lot. Sold (at a later date) to the lady with the enormous tummy!

Yea. That's the problem. I have a bump. It's in the wrong place and any babies in there are about an inch long just now, but it sure looks like a bump. And feels like a bump. This was confirmed by two of the mums at the school as well, one of whom was amazed I was only 9 weeks and the other confirmed I was displaying a bumpesque protrusion.

People think it's very amusing. I think it is less so.

I saw the midwife today as I was concerned about a shaky hand (which was nothing). While I was there I checked a few things including the amount of fluid I seem to be retaining and the reassembling of my insides to my upper abdomen. This is all normal in a second or subsequent pregnancy but I asked if the level I am displaying is indicative of twins.


Oh my word. Not definitively, that can only be confirmed by ultrasound but it's looking likely. It seems that my perception of bonkers boobs = uber oestrogen production = girl is not necessarily correct. No, the primary cause of excess oestrogen would be, go on, guess. Yup. More than one foetus.

Sadly if they are a they, they will have to share a buggy because I am so having the Recaro.

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