Friday, 10 June 2011

Times they are a-changing

Hmm. A more tactful colleague today said in a nice manner that I was blooming. Because of the tact, I responded in the manner of a calm rational person and discussed that yes, I am unmistakably pregnant but really, if you think how ginormous ladies get in the last month, I'm relatively teeny. I don't stick out much. And do you know what she said??? You're quite neat really.

I love her. Even if she did just say it to humour me.

Hmm 2
As I continue to read Clare Byam-Cook I am less enamoured. Not so much by her - although she does wax lyrical about the great usefulness of your own mother (she hasn't met mine; lovely though she may be, useful she is not) and how to choose a maternity nurse (as if!) - but more with the sheer effort involved in breastfeeding. I am told it is easier. I am not sure what it is easier than however, because it sounds rather hard to me.

I'm still going to try. If I manage any time, I'll be pleased.

Baby has kicked rather a lot today. Which is still life affirming (literally!) but can be rather painful at times. I was idly twiddling my (unrecognisable) navel before and my finger got booted. At one point I lay my hand on my abdomen and FELT her racing heartbeat. She must have been lying right at the surface. It was weird, but cool.

Active girl. I should eat less cake/consume less fizzy caffeine.

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