Lunch out for a second time in as many days!! What luxury!
A nasty moment this morning when it was suggested that bananas should be avoided in pregnancy.
But it is ok. They are good. They are recommended, they are indeed a pregnancy superfood. Phew! I bought a bunch to celebrate, being as I was down to the last banana in the house.
I am told I am more pleasant in this pregnancy than my previous one. I don't entirely agree, I don't seem to be being very pleasant, but I was in a good mood today, at least in part because of having lunch with my friends two days in a row. Also lunchtime equals awakeness and I quite probably subjected my poor friends to evening grumpiness before. Who knows? I am feeling mellow and contented right now, which is nice.
I should be happy today anyway, it is the happiest day of the year, according to some boffinery. Although there's some logic about summer weather and holiday plans, neither of which apply here.
I do have impending maternity leave in THREE WEEKS. Well, five weeks, but I finish work 3 weeks today. Wooo!
Due to bad planning, I got a lift to the school in a two seater car, so we had to walk back. I cannot now do that one mile walk at all, it was almost unbearably sore. I'm almost at the point of not being able to walk anywhere. Yikes. At least I am vindicated in my decision to drive the one mile each day, something I am normally opposed to.
The boys have been given a DVD to watch and a DS to play so I can lie in a warm bath, which is about the only sure way to alleviate the pain.
Warm?? Ha. It's fairly hot or it would be pointless. My logic in this piece of advice ignoring is that I never have baths so hot that my temperature rises, nor so that my skin goes pink. Hot tubs are a no-no as they maintain the temperature whereas as regular bath cools fast enough to be safe for pregnant mommas.
And I had baths all the way through with the twins and everyone *knows* if you survive something one time it is therefore safe.
I like baths, I do. Not least because baby is very active in the bath, and has been since very early weeks. Which I am told is not possible but I know what I felt and it was at the same time I feel definite kicks. She's a wriggly un all right, so it's possible. I like seeing my belly undulate with baby jiving.
The weather did somewhat defeat me today. Glorious sunshine first thing meant I got dressed in a summer maxi dress and sandals, because the dress doesn't go with the other one pair of shoes I can wear just now. Checking of the weather report - after dressing - revealed that it was to rain all day. Now, getting dressed is no mean feat these days so changing was not an option. Instead I looked utterly insane with aforementioned attire, plus a raincoat and brolly. Itty bitty sandals not good for rain, floaty dress bit odd with coat.
Well, if you're not allowed to look a bit mad when you're pregnant...
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