Oh dear. Moving is becoming more and more difficult. I couldn't face walking to work today after another more or less sleepless night, so I didn't go. Pain in my pelvis - front and back - made even sitting sore today.
I had a visit to the midwife today, all is well with baby and mother aside from the pelvis. BP is fine, urine is clear, heartbeat of baby is present and normal. Next visit they check my blood for haemoglobin and glucose and what not, as I'll be into trimester 3 and all set for gestational diabetes, anaemia and elevated BP.
The midwife (my own assigned midwife, who I like) was very sympathetic about my pelvis and gave me the contact number for the obstetric physio and a reflexologist. On the latter, I am sceptical about such things but it won't do any harm, isn't taking any herby tinctures and to be honest I'm prepared to give anything a shot it if helps. I am also advised to try aqua natal or generally being in a pool. Walking not swimming though, so the boys and I may spend some time at the pool during the summer holidays.
I'm not entirely sure my spouse, friends, other relatives and especially my colleagues are all that impressed - or sympathetic - about how feeble I'm being. I shall not dwell on this as I'm teetering on the brink of feeling very sorry for myself. Again.
So I'll watch my jiggling tummy for a while and remind myself what it's all about. If that fails I'll look at pink baby clothes and Disney princess films.
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