Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Watching, waiting, anticipating

Well, it's practically here. The biggie. The scan where they check everything is present and correct and aligned and as should be, and as an incidental bonus to make it more exciting and less scary, they can hopefully reveal THE GENDER.

In 15 hours I shall (hopefully) know. Boy or girl. Will I have another adorable little boy or will I have the daughter I have always imagined?

My bump has gone mad. It's huge, and my bellybutton is out of sight, pointing downwards. I assume it will reappear as the bump grows some more, but it's a bit eek. And I am well and truly out of non maternity clothes, elasticated waists even are tight and uncomfortable. Boo. I weighed myself and I am 9lb heavier than I was at the start of the year. Which is ok for 20 weeks I reckon. I'm about 3 dress sizes bigger; when I was 3 dress sizes bigger I was a good couple of stones more than today. Admittedly that was a bit more evenly spread, I'm me with a fat tummy and giant boobs. Although I do seem to have an unsightly double chin as well, which is horrid. Really, I don't see why we have to be quite so repulsively unattractive during pregnancy. Voluminous body, spotty skin, lumbering movements, continuous all over body hair and stretchmarks. It's delightful. Not to mention being uber grumpy and constantly fatigued, or the inability to pay attention. In addition I seem to have had a sense of humour bypass. I am the least appealing version of me since, well, last time I was pregnant.

Pregnant women who say they feel gorgeous and, worse, men who say they find pregnant women attractive?? LIARS. All of them.

Baby is veh veh active, I am being distinctly booted regularly. Doesn't stop me listening to the heartbeat several times a day though. Obviously. Wriggly little squirmy baby she is, I had better not be kept in the dark as to whether she is a boy.

To do: watch The Apprentice, go to bed, attempt to sleep, take chiddlers to school, go to work for an hour, leave work, go to maternity hospital, collect notes then HAVE SCAN. Spend rest of the day excitedly looking at blue/pink things.

I can't imagine blue.

When I was pregnant with the twins, I said, repeatedly, that I hoped for one of each, that two girls would also be nice and that I hoped against hope it wasn't two boys. When they did the scan they easily identified R's bits, but twin 2 wasnt playing. It took ages and I was thinking, that's the girl, fully expecting the sonographer to say eventually "that one's a girl". When she said "I'm seeing another set of dangly bits" I was instantly delighted and thrilled by the idea of two boys. Pink was rubbished, the Barbie section was vetoed in relief. True story. So if I am in raptures tomorrow at the idea of my third son, it's not fakery.

Last chance to say I think she is a girl though :-)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck tomorrow! can't wait to find out if its a girl or boy - I'm still hoping Girl too!! :D
