Sunday, 22 May 2011

Gender predicting

Well, for future reference, the old wives tales that apply to me and my having of a girl are as follows:

I have a high up bump.
I have a sweet tooth.

The old wives tales that (incorrectly) have me with a boy are:

My wedding ring suspended on a thread spins in circles
I haven't put on weight other than the bump
I'm not covered in spots nor do I have lank hair.
Her heartbeat is less than 140.
The Chinese gender chart says I am to have a boy also.

So, one can safely say it's all a load of bull.

My own genius observations are based on last time/this time so could be simply the difference between twins/a singleton.

I haven't gone off the same things. I have gone off coffee a bit, last time I didn't. Last time I went off Coke, this time I am drinking pepsi max to excess. I am able to eat but don't really want to much.

My belly is probably hairier than last time so that can't be attributed to testosterone or twins.

Um. I'm crazy for sweets, last time it was cheese.

I feel relatively human, unlike last time at any stage, but I am way sorer than I was last time.

Talking of which: a moan. My back is killing me and the things I can't do include:
Lie down

So standing it is. I am seeing a physio tomorrow so I expect a miracle cure to be produced in the form of a support/pillow/painkillers that don't hurt bubs.


We have pretty much decided on what bay will be called, it is the name O would have had if he had been a girl and which is universally acknowledged as a Nice Name. Except by chav person of no taste whatsoever but I take that as a good thing. There's lots of songs about this name, I like that, and I own a lot of them, which I like even more. Although, if I was choosing a name entirely based on a song, she'd be Victoria. Hubby says (facetiously) that she'd be Lola if we're doing (Kinks) songs but I'd be forever stuck on "walks like a woman, talks like a man, that's my Lola", and I don't think I'd be able go introduce her without going "L-o-l-a Lola". No offence to Lola, it's a perfectly lovely name if you like the Kinks less than I do.

Baby may not end up with this name, but she kind of IS it now. The boys were calling her Sarah, but I've gone off that. Although everyone has said "nah, not Sarah" which kind of makes me want it again. But assuming I shall not be hormonal and vile forever more, I shall repress that thought process...

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