Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Her moans

Supergrump alert!!!

Well, I did get good for them, bad for me, job news this morning but I have been most unreasonably grumpy. People talking loudly, things being in my way or wrong, all vastly overreacted to. Luckily only in my head and in a couple of snarls on Facebook, but still. Irrationality rules!!

My head is a bit full of politics today because it is the Scottish elections tomorrow. I shall endeavour to keep this baby related and may dust off the regular blog later.

With regard to the Mamas and Papas buggy I am to inherit, they got back to me about a car seat. The buggy came with a Primo Viaggio, their "amazing" car seat. However, it needed adaptors and they don't sell then any more. So that's that, tough titties.

I have had it with Mamas and Papas and shall be buying nothing from them for this baby.

Issue one: the fact that I have twice been into their store to look at buggies and have twice been utterly ignored, even when the shop was deserted and I was wheeling buggies about.

Issue two: I was mortified when trying to spend my £5 "welcome to Mamas and Papas!!" gift token that was valid for one month, within one month of receipt. I was declined, it had expired puzzlingly. Turned out it was issued a week before I discovered I was pregnant, which would be a fortnight before I ordered any catalogues. Grrr.

Issue three: the tone of the email I received today, stating that too bad, they don't do what I asked (I paraphrase, but only a little).

Issue four: they're incredibly snooty anyway. I am good enough for their shop.

Had they been helpful and had what I needed (adaptors for a system that was previously their standard) I would have purchased adaptors, a car seat, a car seat base and quite likely other things as well. No, they need me to buy a new buggy as well. Perish the thought of reusing.

Although most mothers seem to go through umpteen buggies/prams/strollers for each child, I don't understand that. Oh to be rich and have copious space.

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