In light of a lack of anything specific going on bellywise, I have been mulling over the VBAC option.
And so we have my pros for each option:
Caesarean section benefits:
No risk from traumatic birth or picking up infection/injury on the way out for baby
Quick birth at prearranged time - no mad dash from daddy or babysitters required.
Lack of pain
No ripped bits or forever incontinence.
No chance of an emergency section if elective chosen.
No surgery to recover from - can lift baby and boys, and drive straight away. Even if I'm a bit torn...
Home from hospital quickly.
Baby should breathe better having been squeezed through the birth canal.
Baby should be properly cooked and born when ready - small concerns as to overestimation of dates.
Breastfeeding should happen; labour should trigger colostrum production and so it becomes a possibility. Would be nice to have option.
Saggy udder wouldn't be worsened by second scarring.
Yeah, the last one's a bit vacuous. So is lack of pain as a reason for having a caesarean.
So that's 6:5 in favour of the VBAC.
Hmmm. On a trial basis, am I convinced????
I have plenty time to decide. 34 weeks I have till I have to say. That's 14 and a bit weeks away. I may enquire about parentcraft classes as I didn't pay much attention last time as I was in course for a caesarean when the classes were. I understand they do special VBAC ones, I don't know if they do here.
Oh god. I'm coming over all NCT. Save me...
In case I didn't mention, the next scan is 8 sleeps away. Oooooooh.
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