Friday, 29 April 2011

18 weeks!

Oh it's slow... Still, tomorrow morning my doppler should arrive and I can have a whole new game of paranoia/frustration. And I will be 18 weeks, I'm not there for a few minutes yet.

With regards to the doppler, it is likely I will be able to work it, due to not actually being an idiot, and I'll hear baby's heartbeat. Which would be exciting, I'm not convinced yet by the maybe kicks. It's still possible my digestion is getting more bubbly/poppy/fluttersome as time goes by.

I am insanely tired. As nobody is interested in taking my bloods I may well be anaemic.

I resent the lack of 16 week appointment - can you tell?

I equally well am probably fine, they did check my bloods at almost 13 weeks and I assume all was well as they haven't said otherwise. Sleep is not great at the moment, awffy uncomfortable. As such I am a bit apprehensive about the third trimester and the definite lack of comfort and sleep that ensues.

I might buy some Floradix stuff, I don't eat a lot of iron rich food at all. Calcium is sorted, I consume vast amounts of milk. I eat plenty enough fruit, but I'm not great on meat or iron rich other-things.

Are chick peas high in iron? Avocados? Hmm.

Other things that happened today: Prince William got married and a friend had a baby girl named Charlotte.

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