Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Day 11

They don't count the date of birth, the following day is day one, so today is day 11.

This means:

No midwife visit today, I am deemed capable and recovered and Day 10 marked the end of the daily midwife checks. On Thursday I am to be vetted, sorry, visited for a catch up, by the Health Visitor which is always a joy. And also my GP for the old blood pressure, which at present stands at high but normal.

Last night was better, we have two wake ups for feeding, last night it was midnight and 3am, which was fine, with her next cries at 7am when we need to be up anyway. E cries very little, a few cries to alert us to her needing food, and more grunts in response to dirty nappies etc. Grunts and sighs and squeaks are her first line of getting attention, crying is reserved for desperation at the slowness of a parent. This is lovely, long may it last. Newborns "should" cry a lot more.

We do still have teething ahead.

I have four more days, plus the weekend, of paternity leave and having a partner in nappies. When he goes back to work next Monday I shall be a little lost. I am having a practice of doing the morning routine on my own (failure this morning as missy urinated all over her clothes mid nappy change, requiring a clean up and a complete change, so daddy had to take over toast spreading and distribution).

I haven't done the school run yet. I may go up for them today (with their daddy, not alone). I now feel non bonkers enough to speak to people without crying so it should be ok. Most notably, I can walk there. Woo.

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