Friday, 28 January 2011


Today I was struck by the need to purchase a Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test, the one with the conception indicator. Wasn't expecting to be pregnant, but I do tend to always think I am. Each month my body likes to make like it's growing a baby, and I spend several fortunes on tests. Not usually the posh ones (all hail pound stores) but they were on offer this month and I've been off coffee which is unusual in itself.

Did it when I got home. I sat there thinking "Doh! Why have I wasted £11 AGAIN?" as the "working" icon flashed away, and flashed away and flashed some more. After what seemed like half an hour but which was in reality about 2-3 minutes, then:

Goodness! And other much less polite/calm words.

Paced the house for about an hour and then did a cheapie one that I had in the cupboard (because I waste a lot of money on imaginary pregnancies). Very very faint line on that one. Possible another chemical pregnancy. Assume nothing.

Told hubby. Advised not to panic as nothing being assumed.

Obviously not telling anyone yet. Just one person.

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