Sunday, 4 March 2012

6 months

E is now 6 months old, which is both an eternity since she was born, and no time at all.

To her delight, she can now eat something resembling food. Her coordination is a bit lacking but she can steer most things roughly towards her mouth. Finger foods are a bit off yet, but she's enjoyed the handful of lumpier and slightly protein based goo that she's been offered. (rice, tomato and chicken so far her favourite). She is also allowed gluten now so has weetabix for breakfast instead of baby cereal. She approves greatly, but is still anxious to eat what we are. A chip went down a treat, although how much literally went down is another matter altogether.

Reaching and putting everything in her mouth is the aim of every second she is awake. Nothing is safe, other than the blessed fact that she is still not able to travel. Turning and reaching are trouble enough and her ability to pick things up is improving daily, terrifying in the light of the immediate transfer to mouth.

Movement at the moment consists of rolling and reaching. Much frustration is caused by an inability to stand or crawl. Sitting isn't quite there, she managed just a few unsupported seconds before she topples over.

She mostly sleeps like an angel all night, but is reluctant to nap by day and often gets tearfully grumpy and needs coaxed to sleep, only to awaken twenty minutes later.

Speech consists of much blethering, wow ow and igloo are common utterances. I'm not sure when or if she'll move onto the more conventional ba ba, ga ga.

She is beautiful and giggly and a delight to be around, I am so enjoying her babyhood. Bring on the next stage, which is due in about an hour...

1 comment:

  1. ADORABLE! When she gets on her feet she'll be a terror. One of my friends has a baby who just learned 'open the washing machine door' - something to look forward to? :P
