Friday, 17 February 2012


I touched on weaning in my last post, now I shall expand.

Incidentally probably literally expanding as we speak, as I am making up for weight not gained during my pregnancy and gaining pounds almost daily. Can't stop eating, won't stop eating. Weight gained in pregnancy: 4lb. Weight gained since: another 17lb. Not good, but I just can't stop the hunger.

But that is me and I am fully weaned.

E has had a passionate interest in food since she was first able to focus her eyes. So she was delighted at the age of about 20 weeks to be offered some form of food. We started with baby banana porridge which bears no similarity to real porridge as it is made from baby rice not oats. But it tastes kinda like Angel Delight and unsurprisingly E was impressed. So we tried some fruit purée. E was unsure, but willing to eat. Spurred on by the memory of the virtuous home made purées that the twins had, I made some sweet potato purée, which was spat back at me. Plum Baby's parsnip, apple and pea purée went down a little better, but not much.

Now E turned her nose up at the baby cereal having tasted real food. I tried a couple of baby breakfast sachets and she was somewhat meh. So we tried yoghurt, which goes against the "no dairy products till 6 months" doctrine, but I'm believing Danone in a ludicrously idiotic manner because it suits me and the advice doesn't really make sense. So we go with "suitable from 4 months". Likewise with rusks which are heavily frowned upon but which certain twins had as first foods and which young E devours with enthusiasm. Mixed with formula into a paste I may add, not given as a finger food.

So I'm bad.

I did purchase some broccoli to make my speciality of green speckled potato however. Whether E takes it is to be seen, but that's tomorrow's tea. I also have some pear purée for the potential of pear and everything, which I had to resort to with baby R.

It's going fine. Could do better but I am acutely aware that she is advised not to start at all until six months, so she's fine until then if not getting a full and varied diet. I shall probably not try baby led weaning but we'll see. I have been known to change my mind on major parenting issues when confronted with actual facts.

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